
Submissions from 2016

Role of magnetic resonance imaging in acute spinal trauma: a pictorial review, Yogesh Kumar and Daichi Hayashi

Transarterial Therapies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: a Comprehensive Review with Current Updates and Future Directions, Yogesh Kumar, Pranav Sharma, Neeraj Bhatt, and Kusum Hooda

Submissions from 2015

Baseline radiographic osteoarthritis and semi-quantitatively assessed meniscal damage and extrusion and cartilage damage on MRI is related to quantitatively defined cartilage thickness loss in knee osteoarthritis: the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study, A Guermazi, F Eckstein, D Hayashi, F W. Roemer, W Wirth, T Yang, J Niu, and L Sharma

Posterior ankle impingement in athletes: Pathogenesis, imaging features and differential diagnoses, Daichi Hayashi, Frank W. Roemer, Pieter D'Hooghe, and Ali Guermazi

Ulnar artery aneurysm and hypothenar hammer syndrome, Yogesh Kumar, Kusum Hooda, Lawrence Lo, and Ian Karol

Submissions from 2014

Image-guided percutaneous ablation of lung malignancies: A minimally invasive alternative for nonsurgical patients or unresectable tumors, Murthy R. Chamarthy, Mohit Gupta, Terence W. Hughes, Noel B. Velasco, Jacob Cynamon, and Yosef Golowa

Synovitis in knee osteoarthritis assessed by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is associated with radiographic tibiofemoral osteoarthritis and MRI-detected widespread cartilage damage: the MOST study, Ali Guermazi, Daichi Hayashi, Frank W. Roemer, Yanyan Zhu, Jingbo Niu, Michel D. Crema, M Kassim Javaid, and Monica D. Marra

MR arthrography of the shoulder: optimizing pulse sequence protocols for the evaluation of cartilage and labrum, Ali Guermazi, Nabil Jomaah, Daichi Hayashi, Mohamed Jarraya, Jose Roberto Silva, Jingbo Niu, Emad Almusa, and Philippe Landreau

Thoracic injuries in professional rugby players: mechanisms of injury and imaging characteristics, Daichi Hayashi, Frank W. Roemer, Ryan Kohler, Ali Guermazi, Chris Gebers, and Richard De Villiers

Reliability of semiquantitative assessment of osteophytes and subchondral cysts on tomosynthesis images by radiologists with different levels of expertise, Daichi Hayashi, Li Xu, Jeffrey Gusenburg, Frank W. Roemer, David J. Hunter, Ling Li, and Ali Guermazi

Pre-radiographic osteoarthritic changes are highly prevalent in the medial patella and medial posterior femur in older persons: Framingham OA study, D Hayashi, D T. Felson, J Niu, D J. Hunter, F W. Roemer, P Aliabadi, and A Guermazi

Susceptibility artifacts detected on 3T MRI of the knee: frequency, change over time and associations with radiographic findings: data from the joints on glucosamine study, M Jarraya, D Hayashi, A Guermazi, C K. Kwoh, M J. Hannon, C E. Moore, J M. Jakicic, and S M. Green

Diagnostic imaging of benign and malignant osseous tumors of the fingers, Kira Melamud, Jean-Luc Drapé, Daichi Hayashi, Frank W. Roemer, Joachim Zentner, and Ali Guermazi

The role of imaging in osteoarthritis, Frank W. Roemer, Felix Eckstein, Daichi Hayashi, and Ali Guermazi

Submissions from 2013

Serial evaluation of microcirculatory dysfunction in patients with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy by myocardial contrast echocardiography, Mohit Jain, Shrikanth Upadaya, and Stuart W. Zarich

Aortoatrial fistula, Edosa Odaro, Mohit Jain, Matt Horne, Alison Van Dyke, A Brian West, Constantine A. Manthous, and Stuart Zarich

Submissions from 2012

Celiac artery stenting to facilitate hepatic yttrium-90 radioembolization therapy, Murthy R. Chamarthy, Terence W. Hughes, Mohit Gupta, Josephina A. Vossen, Noel B. Velasco, and Kenneth M. Zinn