Document Type
Conference Proceeding
●Traditional scheduling modalities have been identified by YNHH staff members to have a negative impact on work-life balance, eventually leading to burnout. ●Studies have shown that burnout may lead to poor patient outcomes and increased turnover rate among nurses. ●In traditional scheduling modalities, management is often in charge of creating the schedule for the entire unit with varying input from staff. ●In contrast, self-scheduling has staff collaborate with each other to create a schedule with final approval made by management. ●Self-scheduling has been found in several studies to create positive outcomes in nursing satisfaction and work-life balance. ●Due to its potential to create healthier practices in both the professional and personal lives of nurses, it may also create positive outcomes for the nurses of YNHH.
Publication Date
Winter 2025
Recommended Citation
Anicette, Cythia ADN, RN, "Scheduling, Stress, and Satisfaction: How Alternative Methods of Staff Scheduling Can Stop Nurse Burnout and Increase Nurse Satisfaction" (2025). Posters. 45.