Submissions from 2025
Scheduling, Stress, and Satisfaction: How Alternative Methods of Staff Scheduling Can Stop Nurse Burnout and Increase Nurse Satisfaction, Cythia Anicette ADN, RN
Alarm Fatigue, Isabell Fritts-Krzyzaniak RN, Kaitlyn Graves RN, Kevin Lanese RN, Keyna Morales RN, and Jill Roderick RN
The Spiritual Call of Nursing: Supporting Patients in Spiritual Distress, Cheryl Green, Lauren Thayer, and Eliza Dickerson RN
A Phenomenological Examination of Spiritual Health in Cancer Patients, Cheryl Green, Lauren Thayer, and Beatrice Relucio RN
How to Help New Nurses Deal with Anxiety and Stress, Jared Modzelewski BSN, RN
Submissions from 2024
Risk of Stroke in Patients with Left Ventricular Thrombosis who undergo Coronary Angiography: A system-wide Retrospective Analysis, Ashraf Ahmed, Shaun Abid MD, Abhinav Aggarwal, Samdish Sethi, Ilia Ryzhkov, Nur Rahman MD, Assad Ur Rehman MD, Mohamed A. Badheeb, Isaac Opoku MD, Rasha Kaddoura, Rajvir Singh MD, Sandeep S. Nayak, and Gilead Lancaster
Cardiac Arrest Associated with Thyrotoxicosis: A Systematic Review, Ashraf Ahmed, Mohamed A. Badheeb, Shaun Abid MD, Douglas Webber, Samdish Sethi, Mayowa Adefuye, Deepak R. Vangipuram, Anda Gonciulea MD, Stuart Zarich, and Gregory K. Buller
Thrombotic Events in MASLD Cirrhosis Versus Cirrhosis of Other, Prince A. Ameyaw; Sarpong Boateng; Rofinna Johnkennedy MD, MPH; Karthik Mathialagan; and Basile Njei
Outcomes after Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Obese versus Non-obese MASLD Patients: A Nationwide Inpatient Sample Study, Prince A. Ameyaw, Sarpong Boateng, Tawanda Zinyandu, Basile Njei, and Ashraf Ahmed
All Clear for Virtual Simulation in Transition to Practice, Stephanie Barrett MSN, RN, ONC
Are Patients With MASH- or Alcohol-Associated Cirrhosis More Likely to Develop Hepatic Hydrothorax? A National Transplant Database Analysis, Sarpong Boateng
Diet Quality & Its Association with Lean Metabolic dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (MASLD): An Analysis of NHANES 2017-2020, Sarpong Boateng
Outcomes of Alcohol-Associated Hepatitis in Hospitalized Patients with Prior Bariatric Surgery: A Nationwide Analysis, 2016-2020, Sarpong Boateng, Prince A. Ameyaw, Karthik Mathialagan, and Basile Njei
Evaluation of Pain Control in Lobectomies: Before and After the Removal of Liposomal Bupivacaine from Formulary at an Academic Health System, Kelly Cheng PharmD; Michael Guerra PharmD; Rebecca Pulk PharmD, MS, BSP; Amber Zaniewski PharmD, MBA, BCPS; and Ryan Brown PharmD, BCPS
Improving Pain AIR Cycles with Implementation of Evidence-Based Reassessment Strategies, carissa Corraro DNP (c), BSN, RN.
Impact of a Designated Intravenous Team on Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections, Andrew Drozd, Mason Everlith, John Brennan, Kenneth Forte, Stacy Peach, and Anne M. Aquila
Health equity innovation to end clinicians’ unconscious bias when caring for emergency department patients, Kenneth Forte, Adam Chess, April Alfano, Keri Bill, Cheryl Green, Mary Christoffersen, and Joubin Bavarian
The Succession Plan: Targeting the Next Generation of Nurse Leaders, Cheryl Green PhD, DNP, RN, LCSW, CNL, CNE; Evelyn Jacovino MSN, RN, CMSNL; Beth Boyd DNP, RN, CNE; Amy Ashman MSN, RN; John Cooper RN; and Michele Velush BSN, RN, PCCN
Journeys in Spiritual Health Assessment: A Comparative Analysis of Patients Diagnosed with Cancer and Their Nurses’ Stories, Cheryl Green PhD, DNP, RN; Lauren Thayer DNP, RN; Jessica Kinser BSN, RN; and Delia Eisenman BSN, RN
High-Cost Drug Formulary Stewardship: Health System Evaluation of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Utilization, Christine J. Hurteau PharmD; Christopher Flores PharmD, PCSCP; and Rebecca Pulk PharmD, MS, BSP
Amyloidosis: a rare cause of pan-dysmotility, Rofinna Johnkennedy MD, MPH; Cheng-Hung Tai; and Alexa Plato MD, Department of Medicine,
A Rare Case of Metachronous Gastric Lymphoma and Gastric Adenocarcinoma, Rofinna Johnkennedy MD, MPH; Cheng-Hung Tai; Alexa Plato MD, Department of Medicine,; and Caroline Loeser
PODS: A Team-Based Approached to Reduce the Left Without Being Seen Rate in an Urban, High-Volume Emergency Department, Charis Keane MD, Daryn Brauner MSN, Amy Bobbit RN, Nikki Campbell BSN, and April Alfano MS
A Rare Case of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, Farrah R. Khan MD, Salman Ayaz MD, Rasha Saleth MD, Aysha Rana MD, Bryan Schaf MD, and Zahra Khan MD
An Interesting Case of Candida Tropicalis Endocarditis, Abbas Mallick MD, Farrah R. Khan MD, Sohrab Singh MD, Salman Ayaz MD, Prandeep Kumar Devarakonda MD, and Iyad Al-bustami MD
A Puzzling Case: Complete Regression of Pituitary Macroadenoma, Nebyat Mazeniga MD, Deepak R. Vangipuram, and Sachin Majumdar
Closing the Divide: Establishing Competency-Building Pharmacogenomic Experiences for PGY1 Residencies with Limited Genotyping Practices, Meghan McNulty PharmD
Reducing Reportable Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries in the Medical Intensive Care Unit, vallerie Push MSN, RN, CNL, CCRN; Ryan Crabb RN; Pamela D'Ambrosio BSN, RN; Sheryl Phino MSN, RN, CCRN,; Marianne Scofield MSN, RN; and Anne M. Aquila
Prevention of Amputation by Minimally Invasive Surgery in a Diabetic Patient with Osteomyelitis and Peripheral Vascular Disease with a History of Previous Amputations, Orlexia Thomas DPM; Francois M. Lokenye DPM; and Lady POaula DeJesus DPM, FACFAS, FACPM, DWSP
Identifying Current Barriers and Optimization Opportunities of Rapid Access Pathway to Outpatient Care for High-Cost Biologics in an Academic Health System, Avani Topiwala PharmD; Vincent Do PharmD, BCPS, BCTXP; and Joseph Rosano BS, PharmD
Steatotic Mass Secondary to Heterozygous Hemochromatosis, A Rare Case of Biliary Obstruction, Saddam Zaidi MD; Cheng-Hung Tai; Joanna Gibson MD, PhD; and Caroline Loeser
To Screen or Not To Screen, That is The Question, Saddam Zaidi MD, Cheng-Hung Tai, and Caroline Loeser
Submissions from 2023
Predictive value of SYNTAX II score in patient with Acute Myocardial Infarction complicated by Cardiogenic Shock: A Healthcare Network Based Study, Md Mashiul Alam, Sun-Joo Jang, Mohamed A. Badheeb, Mary Quien, Ju Young Bae, Ashraf Ahmed, Mark Samsky MD, Michael Nanna MD, Elliot Miller MD, and Carlos D. Davila
Safety Profile of Ultrasound Enhancing Agents in Echocardiography Across Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS), Md Mashiul Alam, Gini P. Jeyashanmugaraja, Robert L. McNamara MD, and Evgeny Shkolnik
Implementing the Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety (TIPS) Program to Increase Nursing Knowledge of Fall Prevention & Reduce Falls & Falls with Injury in the Medical-Surgical Setting, Anne M. Aquila; Palumbo John MBA, MS, MT (ASCP); and Karen Bauce DNP, MPA, RN, NEA-BC
Reducing Blood Culture Contamination in the Emergency Department: A Multi-Method Quality Improvement Project, Daryn Brauner MSN, Marlene Schmidt MSN, Nikki Campbell BSN, Anthony Renzoni PharmD, Keri Bill MSN, and April Alfano
Bedside Safety Nurses: A Novel Approach to Reducing Patient Harm, Kenneth Forte; Corinne Booth BSN, RN; Nikki Campbell BSN, RN; Danielle Jimenez MSN, RN; Alexandra Mingolello BSN, RN; Heather Nachilo MSN, RN; Heidi Steller MSN, RN; Joubin Bavarian RN; Mary Christoffersen DNP, RN; and Morine Cebert PhD, APRN
Evaluation of Current Monitoring Practices for Patients Receiving Infliximab, Yujin Hong PharmD; Michael Schaedler PharmD, BCPS, BCOP; and Vincent Do PharmD, BCPS, BCTXP
Evaluation of Compliance to Brivaracetam Restrictions within a Large Multicenter Health System, Meghan McNulty PharmD; Mahmoud Amir PharmD, FCCM, BCPS, BCCCP; Paul Ahearn; and Michele Moura PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP
Developing, implementing, and evaluating a clinical dashboard to improve the efficiency and ease of tracking Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Age-Friendly 4Ms Framework Data., Margaret Parniawski NSN, NE-BC; Kenneth Forte; Denis Mohess MD; Ray Wauthier BSN; Erica Zerl SSA; and Edward Ostrowski MSN
Zone Charting: A Novel Approach to Overcome Infrastructure Barriers to Reduce Falls in the Acute In-Patient Setting., Margaret Parniawski NSN, NE-BC; Kenneth Forte; Andrew Quito BSN, MBA; and John Palumbo MBA, MS, MT (ASCP)
Submissions from 2021
Evaluation of Cost Savings Opportunity with the Use of an Alternative Factor VII Product within a Tertiary Academic Medical Center and Health System, Kevin Rivera Jr., PharmD; Anthony Renzoni PharmD, BCPS, BCEMP; and Evan Zahn PharmD, BCCCP, BCEMP
Submissions from 2018
Impact of Reducing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Turnover Time, Diane Rydzy RN, Victor Mejia, and Umer M. Darr
Submissions from 2015
STOP CAUTIs: A Unit-Based Education and Leadership Bundled Approach, Jennifer Healy MSN, RN, CCRN; Jennifer O'Neil BSN, RN; Danielle Moody RN; Leigh Jimmie BSN, RN; and Anne M. Aquila
Submissions from 2014
Improving Efficacy in and Across the Intermediate Care Area (ICA) Team, Jennifer O'Neil BSN, RN and Emma Branca BSN, RN
Simulating Real Life Enhances Palliative Care for Patients in the MICU, Jennifer O'Neil BSN, RN and Leigh Jimmie BSN, RN
Project Title Improving PCI Door-to-Balloon Times Through Team Collaboration, Diane Rydzy RN, Kenneth Forte DNP, Rockman Ferrigno, and Stuart Zarich
Improving On Time Starts for Procedures, Diane Rydzy RN and Stuart Zarich
Submissions from 2013
Same-Day Discharge of Transradial Elective Coronary Intervention, Diane Rydzy RN and Stuart Zarich
Same-Day Discharge of Transradial Elective Coronary Intervention, Diane Rydzy RN and Stuart Zarich
Submissions from 2010
Reducing Late Charges in Cardiovascular Services, Diane Rydzy RN