
Submissions from 2013

When the ICU is the operating room, Greta L. Piper, Linda L. Maerz, Kevin M. Schuster, Adrian A. Maung, Gina M. Luckianow, Kimberly A. Davis, and Lewis J. Kaplan

Repositioning endotracheal tubes in the intensive care unit: depth changes poorly correlate with postrepositioning radiographic location, Ming-Li Wang, Kevin M. Schuster, Bishwajit Bhattacharya, Adrian A. Maung, Lewis J. Kaplan, and Kimberly A. Davis

Submissions from 2012

An institution-wide handoff task force to standardise and improve physician handoffs, Leora I. Horwitz, Kevin M. Schuster, Stephen F. Thung, David C. Hersh, Rosemarie L. Fisher, Nidhi Shah, William Cushing, Judy Nunes, David G. Silverman, and Grace Y. Jenq

Compared to conventional ventilation, airway pressure release ventilation may increase ventilator days in trauma patients, Adrian A. Maung, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Michael F. Ditillo, Greta L. Piper, Linda L. Maerz, Felix Y. Lui, Dirk C. Johnson, and Kimberly A. Davis

Impact of adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction on radiation dose in evaluation of trauma patients, Mark W. Maxfield, Kevin M. Schuster, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Calvin J. Young, Monica Ghita, S A. Bokhari, Isabel B. Oliva, James A. Brink, and Kimberly A. Davis

Non-operative management of acute cholecystitis in the elderly, E A. McGillicuddy, K M. Schuster, K Barre, L Suarez, M R. Hall, G J. Kaml, K A. Davis, and W E. Longo

Outcomes of small bowel obstruction in patients with previous gynecologic malignancies, Tamar L. Mirensky, Kevin M. Schuster, Unzila A. Ali, Vikram Reddy, Peter E. Schwartz, and Walter E. Longo

Adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol response to corticotropin releasing hormone in the critically ill-a novel assessment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, Kevin M. Schuster, Jana B. Macleod, Jesus B. Fernandez, Mahendra Kumar, and Erik S. Barquist

Submissions from 2011

Sorting through the evidence of adult pneumatosis intestinalis as a harbinger for disaster vs benign disease, Nabil A. Atweh and Lee F. Starker

Routine or protocol evaluation of trauma patients with suspected syncope is unnecessary, Adrian A. Maung, Lewis J. Kaplan, Kevin M. Schuster, Dirk C. Johnson, and Kimberly A. Davis

Risk of venous thromboembolism after spinal cord injury: not all levels are the same, Adrian A. Maung, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Linda L. Maerz, and Kimberly A. Davis

Development of a computed tomography-based scoring system for necrotizing soft-tissue infections, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Andrew W. Lischuk, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Adrian Maung, Felix Y. Lui, S A. Bokhari, and Kimberly A. Davis

Acute cholecystitis in the elderly: use of computed tomography and correlation with ultrasonography, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Kevin M. Schuster, Elliott Brown, Mark W. Maxfield, Kimberly A. Davis, and Walter E. Longo

Can acute care surgeons perform emergency colorectal procedures with good outcomes?, Kevin M. Schuster, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Adrian A. Maung, Lewis J. Kaplan, and Kimberly A. Davis

Metastatic Colon Cancer to the Thyroid Gland in the Setting of Pathologically Diagnosed Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Review and Report of a Case, Lee F. Starker, Flavio Paterno, Peyman Bjorklund, Dennis Wasson, and Nabil Atweh

Submissions from 2010

Contrast-induced nephropathy in elderly trauma patients, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Adrian A. Maung, Felix Y. Lui, Linda L. Maerz, Dirk C. Johnson, and Kimberly A. Davis

Ischemic colitis: risk factors for eventual surgery, Flavio Paterno, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Kevin M. Schuster, and Walter E. Longo

The status of massive transfusion protocols in United States trauma centers: massive transfusion or massive confusion?, Kevin M. Schuster, Kimberly A. Davis, Felix Y. Lui, Linda L. Maerz, and Lewis J. Kaplan

Submissions from 2009

Factors predicting morbidity and mortality in emergency colorectal procedures in elderly patients, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Kevin M. Schuster, Kimberly A. Davis, and Walter E. Longo

Emergency and urgent surgery, Kevin M. Schuster, Kimberly A. Davis, and Stanley H. Rosenbaum

Pulseless electrical activity, focused abdominal sonography for trauma, and cardiac contractile activity as predictors of survival after trauma, Kevin M. Schuster, Rebecca Lofthouse, Christopher Moore, Felix Lui, Lewis J. Kaplan, and Kimberly A. Davis

Continuous-infusion oxacillin for the treatment of burn wound cellulitis, Kevin M. Schuster, David Wilson, Carl I. Schulman, Louis R. Pizano, C Gillon Ward, and Nicholas Namias

Submissions from 2008

Trauma team oversight improves efficiency of care and augments clinical and economic outcomes, Kimberly A. Davis, Nicole C. Cabbad, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Carla Carusone, Tucker Leary, and Robert Udelsman

"Roll-bar" for protective posture splint limits potential trauma to dorsal hand grafts, Edward C. Kaine, Phillip Fidler, John Schulz, Shaher Kahn, Roselle Crombie, Sally Dalton, Andrea Warren, Eric LaBonte, John Palmer, Paul Possenti, Jacqueline Laird, and Nabil Atweh

Nonventilatory interventions in the acute respiratory distress syndrome, Kevin M. Schuster, Reginald Alouidor, and Erik S. Barquist

How can trauma surgeons maintain their operative skills?, Kevin M. Schuster, Peter P. Lopez, Tobi Greene, Kerry Wheeler, Dror Soffer, Fahim Habib, Stephen M. Cohn, and Carl I. Schulman

Submissions from 2007

Outcomes of cocaine-induced gastric perforations repaired with an omental patch, Kevin M. Schuster, William J. Feuer, and Erik S. Barquist

Production of a novel fibroblast-populated platelet matrix cocultured with keratinocytes, Kevin M. Schuster, Matthew Martens, Marat Goldenberg, Chau Tai, Louise Strande, and Charles W. Hewitt

Submissions from 2006

Coronary stenting during burn shock: diagnostic and treatment considerations, Shea C. Gregg, Philip E. Fidler, and Nabil A. Atweh

Submissions from 2003

The role of advance directives and family in end-of-life decisions in critical care units, Stephen M. Kavic, Nabil Atweh, Paul P. Possenti, and Michael E. Ivy

Inferior vena caval injury with intramural thrombosis after penetrating trauma: case report and review of the literature, Stephen M. Kavic, Nabil Atweh, Daniel D. Tran, Paul P. Possenti, Michael E. Ivy, and Philip Fidler

Submissions from 2002

Closure of large abdominal wounds with an adjustable suture-tension device, Nabil A. Atweh, Kevin D. Lye, Steven Kavic, Philip E. Fidler, Paul Possenti, and Stanley J. Dudrick

Renal artery to inferior vena cava fistula following gunshot wound to the abdomen, Stephen M. Kavic, Nabil Atweh, Michael E. Ivy, Paul P. Possenti, and Stanley J. Dudrick

Submissions from 2001

Traumatic and iatrogenic Horner syndrome: case reports and review of the literature, R L. Bell, N Atweh, M E. Ivy, and P Possenti

Celiac axis ligation after gunshot wound to the abdomen: case report and literature review, S M. Kavic, N Atweh, M E. Ivy, P P. Possenti, and S J. Dudrick

Submissions from 2000

Intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome in burn patients, M E. Ivy, N A. Atweh, J Palmer, P P. Possenti, M Pineau, and M D'Aiuto

Cerebral air embolus, S M. Kavic, N Atweh, and M E. Ivy

Submissions from 1999

Toward the all-inclusive trauma system, N A. Atweh

Dilatational percutaneous tracheostomy: modification of technique, N A. Atweh, P P. Possenti, P F. Caushaj, G Burns, M J. Pineau, and M Ivy

Abdominal compartment syndrome in patients with burns, M E. Ivy, P P. Possenti, J Kepros, N A. Atweh, M D'Aiuto, J Palmer, M Pineau, G A. Burns, and P F. Caushaj

Submissions from 1998

Ligation of the suprarenal vena cava after a gunshot wound, M E. Ivy, P Possenti, N Atweh, M Sawyer, G Bryant, and P Caushaj