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A Phenomenological Examination of Spiritual Health in Cancer Patients
Cheryl Green, Lauren Thayer, and Beatrice Relucio RN


High-Cost Drug Formulary Stewardship: Health System Evaluation of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Utilization
Christine J. Hurteau PharmD; Christopher Flores PharmD, PCSCP; and Rebecca Pulk PharmD, MS, BSP


Journeys in Spiritual Health Assessment: A Comparative Analysis of Patients Diagnosed with Cancer and Their Nurses’ Stories
Cheryl Green PhD, DNP, RN; Lauren Thayer DNP, RN; Jessica Kinser BSN, RN; and Delia Eisenman BSN, RN


Evaluation of Pain Control in Lobectomies: Before and After the Removal of Liposomal Bupivacaine from Formulary at an Academic Health System
Kelly Cheng PharmD; Michael Guerra PharmD; Rebecca Pulk PharmD, MS, BSP; Amber Zaniewski PharmD, MBA, BCPS; and Ryan Brown PharmD, BCPS


Health equity innovation to end clinicians’ unconscious bias when caring for emergency department patients
Kenneth Forte, Adam Chess, April Alfano, Keri Bill, Cheryl Green, Mary Christoffersen, and Joubin Bavarian


Impact of a Designated Intravenous Team on Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections
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Mobility is Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Early Mobility Education in a MICU
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* Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.