
Submissions from 2000

The pathogenesis of respiratory failure: an overview, P Raju and C A. Manthous

Successful pregnancy after suspected anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy (amniotic fluid embolus). A case report, R J. Stiller, D Siddiqui, S A. Laifer, R L. Tiakowski, and J C. Whetham

Indicated preterm birth: a possible contribution to group B streptococcal sepsis prophylaxis protocol failures. A case report, R J. Stiller, S Vander Vennet, S A. Laifer, and J C. Whetham

Failure of a brief educational program to improve interpretation of pulmonary artery occlusion pressure tracings, S Zarich, J Pust-Marcone, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, and C A. Manthous

Submissions from 1999

Analysis of observer variability in measurement of pulmonary artery occlusion pressures, T Al-Kharrat, S Zarich, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, and C A. Manthous

Noninvasive ventilation: experience at a community teaching hospital, F Alsous, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, and C A. Manthous

Accuracy of an infrared tympanic thermometer, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, J Del Mundo, and C A. Manthous

Toward the all-inclusive trauma system, N A. Atweh

Dilatational percutaneous tracheostomy: modification of technique, N A. Atweh, P P. Possenti, P F. Caushaj, G Burns, M J. Pineau, and M Ivy

No room at the inn, L L. Baldwin

Evaluating a new graphical ordinal logit method (GOLDminer) in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction utilizing clinical features and laboratory data, L H. Bernstein, A Qamar, C McPherson, and S Zarich

Diagnosis of myocardial infarction: integration of serum markers and clinical descriptors using information theory, L H. Bernstein, A Qamar, C McPherson, S Zarich, and R Rudolph

Myocardial infarction complicating gastrointestinal hemorrhage, E Emenike, S Srivastava, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, T al-Kharrat, S Zarich, and C A. Manthous

Abdominal compartment syndrome in patients with burns, M E. Ivy, P P. Possenti, J Kepros, N A. Atweh, M D'Aiuto, J Palmer, M Pineau, G A. Burns, and P F. Caushaj

Effect of erythromycin on myocardial repolarization in patients with community-acquired pneumonia, A Kdesh, C A. McPherson, Y Yaylali, D Yasick, K Bradley, and C A. Manthous

Prenatal screening. An expanding role for nurse practitioners, A Livingston, J Napoleone, and C Leonido

The Goldman algorithm revisited: prospective evaluation of a computer-derived algorithm versus unaided physician judgment in suspected acute myocardial infarction, A Qamar, C McPherson, J Babb, L Bernstein, M Werdmann, D Yasick, and S Zarich

Pregnancy outcome after successful external cephalic version, D Siddiqui, R J. Stiller, J Collins, and S A. Laifer

Myocardial ischemia and weaning failure in patients with coronary artery disease: an update, S Srivastava, W Chatila, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, S Kanagasegar, B Jacob, S Zarich, and C A. Manthous

Myocardial ischemia and weaning failure in patients with coronary artery disease: an update, S Srivastava, W Chatila, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, S Kanagasegar, B Jacob, S Zarich, and C A. Manthous

Erythema nodosum after smoke inhalation-induced bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia, S Srivastava, R Haddad, G Kleinman, and C A. Manthous

The association of increased fetal nuchal translucency and spinal muscular atrophy type I, R J. Stiller, D Lieberson, R Herzlinger, D Siddiqui, S A. Laifer, and J C. Whetham

Submissions from 1998

LaTasha's baby, L L. Baldwin

Myocardial infarction in critically ill patients presenting with gastrointestinal hemorrhage: retrospective analysis of risks and outcomes, N Bhatti, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, A Qamar, and C A. Manthous

Endoscopic removal of a cocaine packet from the stomach, A M. Choudhary, H Taubin, T Gupta, and I Roberts

Ligation of the suprarenal vena cava after a gunshot wound, M E. Ivy, P Possenti, N Atweh, M Sawyer, G Bryant, and P Caushaj

Liberation from mechanical ventilation: a decade of progress, C A. Manthous, G A. Schmidt, and J B. Hall

Outcomes research is the fifth discipline of the fifth generation of managed care: utility of a single troponin-T, A Qamar, L H. Bernstein, and S Zarich

Outcomes research is the fifth discipline of the fifth generation of managed care: utility of a single troponin-T, A Qamar, L H. Bernstein, and S Zarich

Submissions from 1997

The effect of sepsis on breathing pattern and weaning outcomes in patients recovering from respiratory failure, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, B K. Jacob, M Ahmad, and C A. Manthous

Colonic ischemic stricture presenting as a late complication of the hemolytic uremic syndrome, M E. Babaian, D C. Chow, G N. Soloway, H J. Taubin, and I M. Roberts

Jejunoileal diverticula, D C. Chow, M Babaian, and H L. Taubin

Endothelin-1 and endothelin-4 stimulate monocyte production of cytokines, M E. Cunningham, M Huribal, R J. Bala, and M A. McMillen

Preoperative pulmonary function tests do not predict outcome after coronary artery bypass, B Jacob, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, S Rasakulasuriar, C A. Manthous, and R Haddad

The unassisted respiratory rate/tidal volume ratio accurately predicts weaning outcome in postoperative patients, B Jacob, W Chatila, and C A. Manthous

Effects of a medical intensivist on patient care in a community teaching hospital, C A. Manthous, Y Amoateng-Adjepong, T al-Kharrat, B Jacob, H M. Alnuaimat, W Chatila, and J B. Hall

The effect of volume infusion on dead space in mechanically ventilated patients with severe asthma, C A. Manthous and P Goulding

Tension hydrothorax, Y T. Yaylali, N K. Nassar, and C A. Manthous

Submissions from 1996

Fetal ascites associated with ABO incompatibility: case report and review of the literature, R J. Stiller, R Herzlinger, S Siegel, and J C. Whetham

Submissions from 1995

Amniotic fluid polarization of fluorescence and lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio decision criteria assessed, L H. Bernstein, R Stiller, C Menzies, M McKenzie, and C Rundell

Clostridium difficile causing sepsis and an acute abdomen in critically ill patients, W Chatila and C A. Manthous

Management of severe exacerbations of asthma, C A. Manthous

Atracurium and status epilepticus?, C A. Manthous and W Chatila

Treatment of bronchospasm by metered-dose inhaler albuterol in mechanically ventilated patients, C A. Manthous, W Chatila, G A. Schmidt, and J B. Hall

Endothelin-1 increases intracellular calcium in human monocytes and causes production of interleukin-6, M A. McMillen, M Huribal, M E. Cunningham, R Kumar, and B E. Sumpio

Submissions from 1994

Endothelin-stimulated monocyte supernatants enhance neutrophil superoxide production, M Huribal, R Kumar, M E. Cunningham, B E. Sumpio, and M A. McMillen

Prolonged weakness after the withdrawal of atracurium, C A. Manthous and W Chatila

Submissions from 1993

Experience with mitomycin in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, R S. Folman

Ovarian abscess as an unusual infectious complication of laser vaporization of the cervix: a case report, A Gassman, A Stanomauro, and R J. Stiller

Endothelin-stimulated human monocytes produce prostaglandin E2 but not leukotriene B4, M A. McMillen, M Huribal, R Kumar, and B E. Sumpio

Common pathway of endothelial-leukocyte interaction in shock, ischemia, and reperfusion, M A. McMillen, M Huribal, and B Sumpio

Pregnancy in patients with cyclic neutropenia, T E. Polcz, R J. Stiller, and J C. Whetham

Agenesis of the gallbladder in symptomatic adults. A case and review of the literature, R J. Richards, H Taubin, and D Wasson

Submissions from 1991

Review of duodenal diverticula, S A. Afridi, C J. Fichtenbaum, and H Taubin

Tentorial traversal by ependymoblastoma, M L. Monteferrante, P M. Shimkin, C Fichtenbaum, G M. Kleinman, and K I. Lipow

Cytodiagnosis of Campylobacter pylori in Papanicolaou-stained imprints of gastric biopsy specimens, M M. Pinto, F V. Meriano, S Afridi, and H L. Taubin

Prenatal diagnosis of angular pregnancy, R J. Stiller and R H. de Regt

Antenatal diagnosis of fetal splenic cyst. A case report, R J. Stiller, R H. de Regt, and O G. Choy

Submissions from 1990

Spinal empyema in Crohn's disease, S Hershkowitz, R Link, M Ravden, and K Lipow

Elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein concentration and fetal chromosomal abnormalities, R J. Stiller, R H. de Regt, S Suntag, A Baumgarten, J C. Hobbins, and M J. Mahoney

Vel isoimmunization in pregnancy, R J. Stiller, O Lardas, and R Haynes de Regt

Postpartum pulmonary embolus as an unusual cause of cortical blindness, R J. Stiller, S Leone-Tomaschoff, J Cuteri, and L Beck

Submissions from 1989

Early ultrasonic appearance of fetal bladder outlet obstruction, R J. Stiller

Rapid detection of vaginal colonization with group B streptococci by means of latex agglutination, R J. Stiller, E Blair, P Clark, and T Tinghitella

Transvaginal ultrasonography in patients at risk for ectopic pregnancy, R J. Stiller, R Haynes de Regt, and E Blair

Prenatal identification of twin reversed arterial perfusion syndrome in the first trimester, R J. Stiller, R Romero, S Pace, and J C. Hobbins

Submissions from 1988

Oligohydramnios associated with bilateral multicystic dysplastic kidneys: prenatal diagnosis at 15 weeks' gestation, R J. Stiller, M Pinto, C Heller, and J C. Hobbins

Agenesis of the pulmonary artery: an unusual cause of dyspnea in pregnancy, R J. Stiller, S Soberman, A Turetsky, C Lockwood, and R Haddad