
Submissions from 2012

PP088. Oral antihypertensive therapy for severe hypertension in pregnancy, T Firoz, L A. Magee, S Lalani, D Sawchuck, B Payne, M Vidler, R Gordon, and P von Dadelszen

PP088. Oral antihypertensive therapy for severe hypertension in pregnancy, T Firoz, L A. Magee, S Lalani, D Sawchuck, B Payne, M Vidler, R Gordon, and P von Dadelszen

PP164. Magnesium sulphate for prevention and treatment of eclampsia in low and middle income countries: Systematic review of tested regimens, R M. Gordon, B Payne, T Firoz, L Magee, D Sawchuck, D Tu, M Vidler, and P von Dadelszen

An institution-wide handoff task force to standardise and improve physician handoffs, Leora I. Horwitz, Kevin M. Schuster, Stephen F. Thung, David C. Hersh, Rosemarie L. Fisher, Nidhi Shah, William Cushing, Judy Nunes, David G. Silverman, and Grace Y. Jenq

OS032. Pharmacotherapy for pre-eclampsia in low and middle income countries: An analysis of essential medicines lists (EMLS), S Lalani, T Firoz, L A. Magee, R Lowe, D Sawchuck, B Payne, R Gordon, and M Vidler

OS032. Pharmacotherapy for pre-eclampsia in low and middle income countries: An analysis of essential medicines lists (EMLS), S Lalani, T Firoz, L A. Magee, R Lowe, D Sawchuck, B Payne, R Gordon, M Vidler, and P von Dadelszen

Aerosols and details, Constantine A. Manthous

Patient-centered critical care reconsidered: ruminations on bygone continuity and fear and trembling, Constantine A. Manthous

Sepsis, lactate, and oxygen supply dependence, Constantine A. Manthous

Commentary: Disruptive physicians, Constantine A. Manthous and Michael Ivy

Why surgeons can say "no": exploring "unilateral withholding", Constantine A. Manthous and Michael Ivy

Compared to conventional ventilation, airway pressure release ventilation may increase ventilator days in trauma patients, Adrian A. Maung, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Michael F. Ditillo, Greta L. Piper, Linda L. Maerz, Felix Y. Lui, Dirk C. Johnson, and Kimberly A. Davis

Impact of adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction on radiation dose in evaluation of trauma patients, Mark W. Maxfield, Kevin M. Schuster, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Calvin J. Young, Monica Ghita, S A. Bokhari, Isabel B. Oliva, James A. Brink, and Kimberly A. Davis

Non-operative management of acute cholecystitis in the elderly, E A. McGillicuddy, K M. Schuster, K Barre, L Suarez, M R. Hall, G J. Kaml, K A. Davis, and W E. Longo

Outcomes of small bowel obstruction in patients with previous gynecologic malignancies, Tamar L. Mirensky, Kevin M. Schuster, Unzila A. Ali, Vikram Reddy, Peter E. Schwartz, and Walter E. Longo

A Preventive intervention for rising intraocular pressure: development of the Molloy/Bridgeport anesthesia associates observation scale, Bonnie Molloy

Challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital syphilis, Dallas Reed and Robert Stiller

Adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol response to corticotropin releasing hormone in the critically ill-a novel assessment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, Kevin M. Schuster, Jana B. Macleod, Jesus B. Fernandez, Mahendra Kumar, and Erik S. Barquist

Research synthesis: what is the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging to discriminate benign from malignant vertebral compression fractures? Systematic review and meta-analysis, Shrey K. Thawait, Matthew A. Marcus, William B. Morrison, Roman A. Klufas, John Eng, and John A. Carrino

Preeclampsia in low and middle income countries-health services lessons learned from the PRE-EMPT (PRE-Eclampsia-Eclampsia Monitoring, Prevention and Treatment) project, Peter von Dadelszen, Tabassum Firoz, France Donnay, Rebecca Gordon, G Justus Hofmeyr, Shifana Lalani, Beth A. Payne, and James M. Roberts

Submissions from 2011

Validity of Amino Terminal pro-Brain Natiuretic Peptide in a Medically Complex Elderly Population, Mazhar A. Afaq, Azadeh Shoraki, Oleg Ivanov, Janardhan Srinivasan, Lawrence Bernstein, and Stuart W. Zarich

Sorting through the evidence of adult pneumatosis intestinalis as a harbinger for disaster vs benign disease, Nabil A. Atweh and Lee F. Starker

Short-term femoral vein catheterization rarely causes thrombosis or bacteremia, Ana Isabel Casanegra, Scott Brannan, Ramona Dadu, Philip Ong, Mitchell Berner, Kristopher Spinning, Terence Hughes, Greg Marrinan, Kenneth Zinn, and Constantine Manthous

Dipyridamole-associated shock and pulmonary edema, Maria Dioverti, Robert Fishman, Robert Moskowitz, Sixto A. Arias, Sumi Nair, Priyanka Lall, Adam E. Schussheim, Stuart Zarich, and Constantine Manthous

Dipyridamole-associated shock and pulmonary edema, Maria Dioverti, Robert Fishman, Robert Moskowitz, Sixto A. Arias, Sumi Nair, Priyanka Lall, Adam E. Schussheim, Stuart Zarich, and Constantine Manthous

Postpartum evaluation and long term implications, Tabassum Firoz and Tanya Melnik

Pre-eclampsia in low and middle income countries, Tabassum Firoz, Harshad Sanghvi, Mario Merialdi, and Peter von Dadelszen

Elders' environs and their end-of-life preferences, Cristina Gheorghe, Rodrigo Vazquez, Ana I. Casanegra, Vivian Argento, Ramona Dadu, Yan Feng, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Medicaid patients' access to subspecialty care in Connecticut: teaching clinics questionnaire, Yekaterina Grewal, Andre Sofair, Myriam Guevara, and Constantine A. Manthous

Individualized education plans in medical education, Myriam Guevara, Yekaterina Grewald, Karen Hutchinson, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine Manthous


Safe placement of Central Venous Catheter via right Internal Jugular Vein: Calculation of insertion depth by individual body height, M Haque, MT Mulk, M A. Rahman, A K. Azad, Md Mashiul Alam, R Chowdhury, and M R. Alam

Severe hypoxemia and orthodeoxia following right pneumonectomy, David A. Kaufman, Sandeep Ravi, Ramona Dadu, Daniel Horowitz, and Michael A. Logue

A randomized controlled trial of Child FIRST: a comprehensive home-based intervention translating research into early childhood practice, Darcy I. Lowell, Alice S. Carter, Leandra Godoy, Belinda Paulicin, and Margaret J. Briggs-Gowan

Sustaining Medicare's promise, Constantine A. Manthous

Medicaid patients' access to subspecialty ambulatory care in connecticut, Constantine A. Manthous, Yekaterina Grewal, and Andre N. Sofair

Team science and critical care, Constantine A. Manthous and Andrea B. Hollingshead

The interface of law and medicine: a new series in the "Medical Ethics" section, Constantine A. Manthous and Richard S. Irwin

Building effective critical care teams, Constantine Manthous, Ingrid M. Nembhard, and Andrea B. Hollingshead

Routine or protocol evaluation of trauma patients with suspected syncope is unnecessary, Adrian A. Maung, Lewis J. Kaplan, Kevin M. Schuster, Dirk C. Johnson, and Kimberly A. Davis

Risk of venous thromboembolism after spinal cord injury: not all levels are the same, Adrian A. Maung, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Linda L. Maerz, and Kimberly A. Davis

Development of a computed tomography-based scoring system for necrotizing soft-tissue infections, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Andrew W. Lischuk, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Adrian Maung, Felix Y. Lui, S A. Bokhari, and Kimberly A. Davis

Acute cholecystitis in the elderly: use of computed tomography and correlation with ultrasonography, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Kevin M. Schuster, Elliott Brown, Mark W. Maxfield, Kimberly A. Davis, and Walter E. Longo

Implications for postoperative visual loss: steep trendelenburg position and effects on intraocular pressure, Bonnie Lee Molloy

Are international and American graduates equally ACGME competent? Results of a pilot study, Cristhiam Rojas, Suresh Nelson Samson, Jorge Florindez Ullilen, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Can acute care surgeons perform emergency colorectal procedures with good outcomes?, Kevin M. Schuster, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Adrian A. Maung, Lewis J. Kaplan, and Kimberly A. Davis

Metastatic Colon Cancer to the Thyroid Gland in the Setting of Pathologically Diagnosed Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Review and Report of a Case, Lee F. Starker, Flavio Paterno, Peyman Bjorklund, Dennis Wasson, and Nabil Atweh

Submissions from 2010

Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in a woman using the etonogestrel-ethinyl estradiol vaginal contraceptive ring: a case report, Caitlin Dunne, Doug Malyuk, and Tabassum Firoz

Rumination in eating disorders: literature review, Caitlin Dunne, Doug Malyuk, and Tabassum Firoz

A practical approach to adult acute respiratory distress syndrome, Constantine A. Manthous

Contrast-induced nephropathy in elderly trauma patients, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Adrian A. Maung, Felix Y. Lui, Linda L. Maerz, Dirk C. Johnson, and Kimberly A. Davis

Cardiac injury in patients with COPD presenting with dyspnea: a pilot study, Esosa Odigie-Okon, Bryan Jordan, Sylvester Dijeh, Armand Wolff, Razvan Dadu, Priyanka Lall, Stuart Zarich, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Cardiac injury in patients with COPD presenting with dyspnea: a pilot study, Esosa Odigie-Okon, Bryan Jordan, Sylvester Dijeh, Armand Wolff, Razvan Dadu, Priyanka Lall, Stuart Zarich, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Antihypertensive therapy in African Americans: findings from an inner-city ambulatory clinic, Esosa Odigie-Okon, Stuart Zarich, Emmanuel Okon, and Alix Dufresne

Ischemic colitis: risk factors for eventual surgery, Flavio Paterno, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Kevin M. Schuster, and Walter E. Longo

Atypical antipsychotic medications are independently associated with severe obstructive sleep apnea, Muhammad Adeel Rishi, Mahesh Shetty, Armand Wolff, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Atypical antipsychotic medications are independently associated with severe obstructive sleep apnea, Muhammad Adeel Rishi, Mahesh Shetty, Armand Wolff, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous


Reducing Late Charges in Cardiovascular Services, Diane Rydzy RN

The status of massive transfusion protocols in United States trauma centers: massive transfusion or massive confusion?, Kevin M. Schuster, Kimberly A. Davis, Felix Y. Lui, Linda L. Maerz, and Lewis J. Kaplan

Outcomes of critically ill patients who received cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Jianmin Tian, David A. Kaufman, Stuart Zarich, Paul S. Chan, Philip Ong, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Outcomes of critically ill patients who received cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Jianmin Tian, David A. Kaufman, Stuart Zarich, Paul S. Chan, Philip Ong, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Accuracy of bedside physical examination in distinguishing categories of shock: a pilot study, Rodrigo Vazquez, Cristina Gheorghe, David Kaufman, and Constantine A. Manthous

Gurgling breath sounds may predict hospital-acquired pneumonia, Rodrigo Vazquez, Cristina Gheorghe, Frederick Ramos, Ramona Dadu, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Does choice of antidiabetes therapy influence macrovascular outcomes?, Stuart W. Zarich

Relationship of coronary angiographic findings to choice of antidiabetic medication, Stuart W. Zarich

Submissions from 2009

Acute kidney injury predicts outcomes of non-critically ill patients, Fidel Barrantes, Yan Feng, Oleg Ivanov, Hima B. Yalamanchili, Janki Patel, Xander Buenafe, Vicky Cheng, Sylvester Dijeh, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Troponin T elevation after implanted defibrillator discharge predicts survival, D Blendea, M Blendea, J Banker, and C A. McPherson

Age, duration of mechanical ventilation, and outcomes of patients who are critically ill, Yan Feng, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, David Kaufman, Cristina Gheorghe, and Constantine A. Manthous

Outcomes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation for patients on vasopressors or inotropes: a pilot study, Artur Grigoriyan, Rodrigo Vazquez, Tatsiana Palvinskaya, Gloria Bindelglass, Adeel Rishi, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

The expanding medical and behavioral resources with access to care for everyone health plan, Gilead I. Lancaster, Ryan O'Connell, David L. Katz, JoAnn E. Manson, William R. Hutchison, Charles Landau, and Kimberly A. Yonkers

Aspirin resistance: an update, Gilead I. Lancaster, Janardhan Srinivasan, and Hitender Jain

Why not physician-assisted death?, Constantine A. Manthous

Factors predicting morbidity and mortality in emergency colorectal procedures in elderly patients, Edward A. McGillicuddy, Kevin M. Schuster, Kimberly A. Davis, and Walter E. Longo

Primary atony of the lower uterine segment as a distinct cause of early postpartum haemorrhage: a case series and management recommendations, B Panda, S Laifer, R Stiller, and G Kleinman

Antibiotic resistance and penicillin tolerance in ano-vaginal group B streptococci, Britta Panda, Igor Iruretagoyena, Robert Stiller, and Alexander Panda

Prenatal diagnosis of ectopic intrathoracic kidney in a fetus with a left diaphragmatic hernia, Britta Panda, Victor Rosenberg, Daniel Cornfeld, and Robert Stiller

Prenatal diagnosis of an umbilical vein aneurysm: a case report, Britta Panda, Robert Stiller, Igor Iruretagoyena, and Angelique Levi

The increasing geriatric population and overcrowding in the emergency department: one hospital's approach, Dori Rogers

Emergency and urgent surgery, Kevin M. Schuster, Kimberly A. Davis, and Stanley H. Rosenbaum

Pulseless electrical activity, focused abdominal sonography for trauma, and cardiac contractile activity as predictors of survival after trauma, Kevin M. Schuster, Rebecca Lofthouse, Christopher Moore, Felix Lui, Lewis J. Kaplan, and Kimberly A. Davis

Continuous-infusion oxacillin for the treatment of burn wound cellulitis, Kevin M. Schuster, David Wilson, Carl I. Schulman, Louis R. Pizano, C Gillon Ward, and Nicholas Namias

Medical professionalism in the new millennium: are there intercultural differences? Brief report and commentary, Manasi M. Shah, Eleanor M. Summerhill, and Constantine A. Manthous

Rapid reversal of acute kidney injury and hospital outcomes: a retrospective cohort study, Jianmin Tian, Fidel Barrantes, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Enhanced end-of-life care associated with deploying a rapid response team: a pilot study, Rodrigo Vazquez, Cristina Gheorghe, Artur Grigoriyan, Tatsiana Palvinskaya, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Antidiabetic agents and cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes, Stuart W. Zarich

Potential of glucose-lowering drugs to reduce cardiovascular events, Stuart W. Zarich

Submissions from 2008

Acute kidney injury criteria predict outcomes of critically ill patients, Fidel Barrantes, Jianmin Tian, Rodrigo Vazquez, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Trauma team oversight improves efficiency of care and augments clinical and economic outcomes, Kimberly A. Davis, Nicole C. Cabbad, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Carla Carusone, Tucker Leary, and Robert Udelsman

"Roll-bar" for protective posture splint limits potential trauma to dorsal hand grafts, Edward C. Kaine, Phillip Fidler, John Schulz, Shaher Kahn, Roselle Crombie, Sally Dalton, Andrea Warren, Eric LaBonte, John Palmer, Paul Possenti, Jacqueline Laird, and Nabil Atweh

"Roll-bar" for protective posture splint limits potential trauma to dorsal hand grafts, Edward C. Kaine, Phillip Fidler, John Schulz, Shaher Kahn, Roselle Crombie, Sally Dalton, Andrea Warren, Eric LaBonte, John Palmer, Paul Possenti, Jacqueline Laird, and Nabil Atweh

The role of aspirin resistance in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes, Gilead I. Lancaster, Hitender Jain, and Stuart W. Zarich

Starling's equation and bedside critical care, Constantine A. Manthous

Promoting a culture of patient safety, Constantine A. Manthous, Michael Ivy, and Karen Daley

Nonventilatory interventions in the acute respiratory distress syndrome, Kevin M. Schuster, Reginald Alouidor, and Erik S. Barquist

How can trauma surgeons maintain their operative skills?, Kevin M. Schuster, Peter P. Lopez, Tobi Greene, Kerry Wheeler, Dror Soffer, Fahim Habib, Stephen M. Cohn, and Carl I. Schulman

Tenascin is highly expressed in endometriosis and its expression is upregulated by estrogen, Orkun Tan, Turkan Ornek, Yasemin Seval, Leyla Sati, and Aydin Arici

Patients' predilections regarding informed consent for hospital treatments, Shweta Upadhyay, Andrew Beck, Adeel Rishi, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Submissions from 2007

Usefulness of high-speed rotational coronary venous angiography during cardiac resynchronization therapy, Dan Blendea, Moussa Mansour, Ravi V. Shah, Jeffrey Chung, Veena Nandigam, E Kevin Heist, Theofanie Mela, Vivek Y. Reddy, Robert Manzke, Craig A. McPherson, Jeremy N. Ruskin, and Jagmeet P. Singh

Variability of coronary venous anatomy in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy: a high-speed rotational venography study, Dan Blendea, Ravi V. Shah, Angelo Auricchio, Veena Nandigam, Mary Orencole, E Kevin Heist, Vivek Y. Reddy, Craig A. McPherson, Jeremy N. Ruskin, and Jagmeet P. Singh

Abnormalities of left ventricular long-axis function predict the onset of hypertension independent of blood pressure: a 7-year prospective study, D Blendea, C Duncea, M Bedreaga, S Crisan, and S Zarich

Congenital left ventricular diverticulum presenting as ventricular tachycardia in an elderly woman, Bangalore V. Deepak, Fadi Alsous, Radhika Mathur, and Stuart Zarich