
Submissions from 2016

Palliating Predatory Practices and Protecting Professionalism, Constantine A. Manthous

Trauma patients on new oral anticoagulation agents have lower mortality than those on warfarin, Adrian A. Maung, Bishwajit Bhattacharya, Kevin M. Schuster, and Kimberly A. Davis

Pulmonary Nocardiosis in a Multiple Myeloma Patient Treated with Proteasome Inhibitors, Nikolai P. Mendonca, Deepak K. Kadayakkara, Inga C. Forde, Anastasiia Rudkovskaia, Zane K. Saul, and David J. Lobo

Acute Necrotizing Herpetic Pleuritis in a Patient with Systemic Sclerosis and Immunosuppression: Report of a Novel Pulmonary Herpes Infection, Despina Michailidou, James V. Lettera, Inga Forde, Paul J. Cohen, Armand J. Wolff, and David A. Kaufman

Stroke and a valvular lesion in a patient with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer, Angel A. Mitma, Jithin G. Varghese, David Witt, and Stuart W. Zarich

Barriers and facilitators to health care seeking behaviours in pregnancy in rural communities of southern Mozambique, Khátia Munguambe, Helena Boene, Marianne Vidler, Cassimo Bique, Diane Sawchuck, Tabassum Firoz, Prestige Tatenda Makanga, and Rahat Qureshi

Practice Guidelines for Cardiovascular Fitness and Strengthening Exercise Prescription After Burn Injury, Bernadette Nedelec, Ingrid Parry, Hernish Acharya, Lynne Benavides, Sara Bills, Janelle L. Bucher, Joanne Cheal, Annick Chouinard, Donna Crump, Sarah Duch, Matthew Godleski, and Jennifer Guenther

No breakpoint for mortality in pediatric rib fractures, Graeme Rosenberg, Alex K. Bryant, Kimberly A. Davis, and Kevin M. Schuster

Multicenter validation of American Association for the Surgery of Trauma grading system for acute colonic diverticulitis and its use for emergency general surgery quality improvement program, Shahid Shafi, Elisa L. Priest, Marie L. Crandall, Christopher S. Klekar, Ali Nazim, Michel Aboutanos, Suresh Agarwal, Bishwajit Bhattacharya, Nickolas Byrge, Tejveer S. Dhillon, Dominick J. Eboli, Drew Fielder, Oscar Guillamondegui, Oliver Gunter, Kenji Inaba, Nathan T. Mowery, Raminder Nirula, Steven E. Ross, Stephanie A. Savage, Kevin M. Schuster, Ryan K. Schmoker, Stefano Siboni, Nicole Siparsky, Marc D. Trust, Garth H. Utter, James Whelan, David V. Feliciano, and Grace Rozycki

A Phase II Trial Exploring the Success of Cryoablation Therapy in the Treatment of Invasive Breast Carcinoma: Results from ACOSOG (Alliance) Z1072, Rache M. Simmons, Karla V. Ballman, Charles Cox, Ned Carp, Jennifer Sabol, Rosa F. Hwang, Deanna Attai, Michael Sabel, David Nathanson, Andrew Kenler, Linsey Gold, Cary Kaufman, Linda Han, Aaron Bleznak, J Stanley Smith, Dennis Holmes, Bruno Fornage, Carisa Le-Petross, Syed Hoda, Linda McCall, and Kelly K. Hunt

A Phase II Trial Exploring the Success of Cryoablation Therapy in the Treatment of Invasive Breast Carcinoma: Results from ACOSOG (Alliance) Z1072, Rache M. Simmons, Karla V. Ballman, Charles Cox, Ned Carp, Jennifer Sabol, Rosa F. Hwang, Deanna Attai, Michael Sabel, David Nathanson, Andrew Kenler, Linsey Gold, Cary Kaufman, Linda Han, Aaron Bleznak, J Stanley Smith, Dennis Holmes, Bruno Fornage, Carisa Le-Petross, Syed Hoda, Linda McCall, and Kelly K. Hunt

Lung Injury Prediction Score in Hospitalized Patients at Risk of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Graciela J. Soto, Daryl J. Kor, Pauline K. Park, Peter C. Hou, David A. Kaufman, Mimi Kim, Hemang Yadav, Nicholas Teman, Michael C. Hsu, and Tatyana Shvilkina

The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma grading scale for 16 emergency general surgery conditions: Disease-specific criteria characterizing anatomic severity grading, Gail T. Tominaga, Kristan L. Staudenmayer, Shahid Shafi, Kevin M. Schuster, Stephanie A. Savage, Steven Ross, Peter Muskat, Nathan T. Mowery, Preston Miller, Kenji Inaba, Mitchell Jay Cohen, David Ciesla, Carlos V. Brown, Suresh Agarwal, Michel B. Aboutanos, Garth H. Utter, and Marie Crandall

Adding insult to injury: autoimmune haemolytic anaemia complicated by pulmonary embolism, Kevin Andrew Woodson, Yungah Lee, Kavitha Gopalratnam, and Stephanie Halene

Pancreaticoduodenectomy for locally advanced colon cancer in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, Rebecca Zhu, Gabriella Grisotti, Ronald R. Salem, and Sajid A. Khan

Submissions from 2015

The Value of Continuous ST-Segment Monitoring in the Emergency Department, Leonie Rose Bovino, Marjorie Funk, Michele M. Pelter, Mayur M. Desai, Vanessa Jefferson, Laura Kierol Andrews, and Kenneth Forte

Utility of extended cardiac monitoring to detect atrial fibrillation in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea, Arijit Chanda, Armand Wolff, Craig McPherson, and Jeff Kwon

Utility of extended cardiac monitoring to detect atrial fibrillation in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea, Arijit Chanda, Armand Wolff, Craig McPherson, and Jeff Kwon

Resuscitative thoracotomy for nontraumatic pericardial tamponade: case reports and review of the literature, Keith A. Corl, Wade N. Sears, Shea C. Gregg, and David G. Lindquist

Global obstetric medicine: Collaborating towards global progress in maternal health, Tabassum Firoz, Oier Ateka-Barrutia, Jose Antonio Rojas-Suarez, Chandrika Wijeyaratne, Eliana Castillo, Hennie Lombaard, and Laura A. Magee

Drug-induced fulminant hepatic failure in pregnancy, Tabassum Firoz, Douglas Webber, and Hilary Rowe

Ventilator Settings Can Substantially Impact Patients' Comfort, Spyridon Fortis, Jorge Florindez, Shiva Balasingham, Manuel De Aguirre, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Ventilator Settings Can Substantially Impact Patients' Comfort, Spyridon Fortis, Jorge Florindez, Shiva Balasingham, Manuel De Aguirre, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Carbon Monoxide Exposure During Pregnancy, Perry Friedman, Xiaoyue M. Guo, Robert J. Stiller, and Steven A. Laifer

Baseline radiographic osteoarthritis and semi-quantitatively assessed meniscal damage and extrusion and cartilage damage on MRI is related to quantitatively defined cartilage thickness loss in knee osteoarthritis: the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study, A Guermazi, F Eckstein, D Hayashi, F W. Roemer, W Wirth, T Yang, J Niu, and L Sharma


Study on Relationship of Segmental Distribution of Coronary Artery Disease and Peripheral Arterial Disease, SM Ahsan Habib, Md Nazmul Hasan, AKM Fazlur Rahman, Murshed Ahmed, N Fatema MD, Manzoor Mahmood, T Parvin, Md Mashiul Alam, Md Noornabi, Mohammad Safiuddin, Md Abu Sidique, Sajal Krishna Banerjee, Sayed Nazmul Islam, and MA Muqeet

Posterior ankle impingement in athletes: Pathogenesis, imaging features and differential diagnoses, Daichi Hayashi, Frank W. Roemer, Pieter D'Hooghe, and Ali Guermazi


STOP CAUTIs: A Unit-Based Education and Leadership Bundled Approach, Jennifer Healy MSN, RN, CCRN; Jennifer O'Neil BSN, RN; Danielle Moody RN; Leigh Jimmie BSN, RN; and Anne M. Aquila

Glycemic targets: what is the evidence?, Silvio Inzucchi and Sachin Majumdar

Ulnar artery aneurysm and hypothenar hammer syndrome, Yogesh Kumar, Kusum Hooda, Lawrence Lo, and Ian Karol

Typical evanescent and atypical persistent polymorphic cutaneous rash in an adult Brazilian with Still's disease: a case report and review of the literature, Despina Michailidou, Junghee Shin, Inga Forde, Kavitha Gopalratnam, Paul Cohen, and Angela DeGirolamo

Epinephrine use results in 'stress' cardiomyopathy, Avinash Murthy, Shady Henien, Craig A. Mcpherson, and Michael A. Logue

An Oncoplastic Approach to Reconstruct Upper Pole Partial Mastectomy Defects in Minimally Ptotic and Average Size Breasts, Ajul Shah, Anup Patel, Andrew Kenler, and Shareef Jandali

An Oncoplastic Approach to Reconstruct Upper Pole Partial Mastectomy Defects in Minimally Ptotic and Average Size Breasts, Ajul Shah, Anup Patel, Andrew Kenler, and Shareef Jandali

A multicenter study of preventable contact burns from glass fronted gas fireplaces, Lucy Wibbenmeyer, Michael A. Gittelman, Karen Kluesner, Junlin Liao, Yunfan Xing, Iris Faraklas, Walter Anyan, Chelsea Gamero, Steven Moulton, Cindy Nederveld, Ashley Banks, Colleen M. Ryan, Jennifer A. Conway, Debra A. Reilly, Joel Fish, Charis Kelly, George Peltier, Emily Schwantke, Peggie F. Conrad, Daniel M. Caruso, Karen J. Richey, Kristine McCrory, Mohamed S. Elfar, Timothy Pittinger, Christine Sadie, David Greenhalgh, Tina Palmieri, Peter H. Grossman, Kurt M. Richards, Teresa Joyce, Andrea L. Pozez, and Alisa Savetamal

Submissions from 2014

Characteristics of patients with injury secondary to smoking on home oxygen therapy transferred intubated to a burn center, Salam Al Kassis, Alisa Savetamal, Roland Assi, Roselle E. Crombie, Rahmat Ali, Craig Moores, Amanda Najjar, Tawnya Hansen, Tabitha Ku, and John T. Schulz

Myasthenia gravis presenting with dysphagia in an elderly male: a case report, Ellen Breen, Lauren Bleich, and Caroline Loeser

Image-guided percutaneous ablation of lung malignancies: A minimally invasive alternative for nonsurgical patients or unresectable tumors, Murthy R. Chamarthy, Mohit Gupta, Terence W. Hughes, Noel B. Velasco, Jacob Cynamon, and Yosef Golowa

Oral antihypertensive therapy for severe hypertension in pregnancy and postpartum: a systematic review, T Firoz, L A. Magee, K MacDonell, B A. Payne, R Gordon, M Vidler, and P von Dadelszen

The use of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in pregnancy: shortened length of stay without increase in hospital charges, Annabelle L. Fonseca, Kevin M. Schuster, Lewis J. Kaplan, Adrian A. Maung, Felix Y. Lui, and Kimberly A. Davis

Magnesium sulphate for the management of preeclampsia and eclampsia in low and middle income countries: a systematic review of tested dosing regimens, Rebecca Gordon, Laura A. Magee, Beth Payne, Tabassum Firoz, Diane Sawchuck, Domena Tu, Marianne Vidler, and Dane de Silva

The knowledge patients impart, Cheryl Ann Green

Synovitis in knee osteoarthritis assessed by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is associated with radiographic tibiofemoral osteoarthritis and MRI-detected widespread cartilage damage: the MOST study, Ali Guermazi, Daichi Hayashi, Frank W. Roemer, Yanyan Zhu, Jingbo Niu, Michel D. Crema, M Kassim Javaid, and Monica D. Marra

MR arthrography of the shoulder: optimizing pulse sequence protocols for the evaluation of cartilage and labrum, Ali Guermazi, Nabil Jomaah, Daichi Hayashi, Mohamed Jarraya, Jose Roberto Silva, Jingbo Niu, Emad Almusa, and Philippe Landreau

Imaging of non-osteochondral tissues in osteoarthritis, A Guermazi, F W. Roemer, M D. Crema, M Englund, and D Hayashi

Thoracic injuries in professional rugby players: mechanisms of injury and imaging characteristics, Daichi Hayashi, Frank W. Roemer, Ryan Kohler, Ali Guermazi, Chris Gebers, and Richard De Villiers

Reliability of semiquantitative assessment of osteophytes and subchondral cysts on tomosynthesis images by radiologists with different levels of expertise, Daichi Hayashi, Li Xu, Jeffrey Gusenburg, Frank W. Roemer, David J. Hunter, Ling Li, and Ali Guermazi

Pre-radiographic osteoarthritic changes are highly prevalent in the medial patella and medial posterior femur in older persons: Framingham OA study, D Hayashi, D T. Felson, J Niu, D J. Hunter, F W. Roemer, P Aliabadi, and A Guermazi

Susceptibility artifacts detected on 3T MRI of the knee: frequency, change over time and associations with radiographic findings: data from the joints on glucosamine study, M Jarraya, D Hayashi, A Guermazi, C K. Kwoh, M J. Hannon, C E. Moore, J M. Jakicic, and S M. Green

Improving gastroschisis outcomes: does birth place matter?, Savoie KB, Huang EY, Aziz SK, Blakely ML, Dassinger S, Dorale AR, Duggan EM, Harting MT, Markel TA, Moore-Olufemi SD, Shah SR, St Peter SD, Tsao K, and Williams RF

Safety and effectiveness of bevacizumab-containing treatment for non-small-cell lung cancer: final results of the ARIES observational cohort study, Thomas J. Lynch, David R. Spigel, Julie Brahmer, Neal Fischbach, Jennifer Garst, Mohammad Jahanzeb, Priya Kumar, Regina M. Vidaver, Antoinette J. Wozniak, Susan Fish, E Dawn Flick, Larry Leon, Sebastien J. Hazard, and Michael P. Kosty

Predictive factors for failure of nonoperative management in perforated appendicitis, Mark W. Maxfield, Kevin M. Schuster, Jamal Bokhari, Edward A. McGillicuddy, and Kimberly A. Davis

Diagnostic imaging of benign and malignant osseous tumors of the fingers, Kira Melamud, Jean-Luc Drapé, Daichi Hayashi, Frank W. Roemer, Joachim Zentner, and Ali Guermazi

A case of pyogenic liver abscesses in a previously healthy adolescent man, Dena A. Mentel, Danielle B. Cameron, Shea C. Gregg, Walter Cholewczynski, Alisa Savetamal, Roselle E. Crombie, Paul P. Possenti, and Nabil A. Atweh

Society of Surgical Oncology-American Society for Radiation Oncology consensus guideline on margins for breast-conserving surgery with whole-breast irradiation in stages I and II invasive breast cancer, Meena S. Moran, Stuart J. Schnitt, Armando E. Giuliano, Jay R. Harris, Seema A. Khan, Janet Horton, Suzanne Klimberg, Mariana Chavez-MacGregor, Gary Freedman, Nehmat Houssami, Peggy L. Johnson, and Monica Morrow


Improving Efficacy in and Across the Intermediate Care Area (ICA) Team, Jennifer O'Neil BSN, RN and Emma Branca BSN, RN


Simulating Real Life Enhances Palliative Care for Patients in the MICU, Jennifer O'Neil BSN, RN and Leigh Jimmie BSN, RN

Are amended surgical pathology reports getting to the correct responsible care provider?, Vinita Parkash, Akosua Domfeh, Paul Cohen, Neal Fischbach, Mary Pronovost, G Kenneth Haines, and Peter Gershkovich

Duration of symptoms prior to antibiotic use, and length of stay in infected patients, Andrey Pavlov, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, Ulysses Wu, and Constantine A. Manthous

Inappropriate discharge on bronchodilators and acid-blocking medications after ICU admission: importance of medication reconciliation, Andrey Pavlov, Rostislav Muravyev, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

The role of imaging in osteoarthritis, Frank W. Roemer, Felix Eckstein, Daichi Hayashi, and Ali Guermazi

Project Title Improving PCI Door-to-Balloon Times Through Team Collaboration, Diane Rydzy RN, Kenneth Forte DNP, Rockman Ferrigno, and Stuart Zarich


Improving On Time Starts for Procedures, Diane Rydzy RN and Stuart Zarich

Continuous glucose monitoring in the surgical intensive care unit: concordance with capillary glucose, Kevin M. Schuster, Kimberly Barre, Silvio E. Inzucchi, Robert Udelsman, and Kimberly A. Davis

Electronic handoff instruments: a truly multidisciplinary tool?, Kevin M. Schuster, Grace Y. Jenq, Stephen F. Thung, David C. Hersh, Judy Nunes, David G. Silverman, and Leora I. Horwitz

Gun buyback programs: a venue to eliminate unwanted guns in the community, Pina Violano, Cassandra Driscoll, Neil K. Chaudhary, Kevin M. Schuster, Kimberly A. Davis, Esther Borer, Jane K. Winters, and Michael P. Hirsh

Reduced Rate of Repeated Prostate Biopsies Observed in ConfirmMDx Clinical Utility Field Study, Kirk J. Wojno, Frank J. Costa, Robert J. Cornell, Jeffrey D. Small, and Erik Pasin

Submissions from 2013

Preoperative forced-air warming combined with intraoperative warming versus intraoperative warming alone in the prevention of hypothermia during gynecologic surgery, Melissa Bucci Adriani and Nancy Moriber


An Unusual Case of Epicardial Coronary Artery Compression, Md Mashiul Alam, Michael Azrin, and Yasir Adeel

Characteristics of Medicaid enrollees with frequent ED use, Roberta Capp

The ventriculophasic response: relationship to sinus arrhythmia and the duration of interposed QRS complexes, Razvan T. Dadu and Craig A. McPherson

Measuring maternal health: focus on maternal morbidity, Tabassum Firoz, Doris Chou, Peter von Dadelszen, Priya Agrawal, Rachel Vanderkruik, Ozge Tunçalp, Laura A. Magee, and Nynke van Den Broek

Routine nasogastric decompression in small bowel obstruction: is it really necessary?, Annabelle L. Fonseca, Kevin M. Schuster, Adrian A. Maung, Lewis J. Kaplan, and Kimberly A. Davis

Perseverant, non-indicated treatment of obese patients for obstructive lung disease, Spyridon Fortis, Joseph Kittah, Manuel De Aguirre, Maria Plataki, Armand Wolff, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, and Constantine A. Manthous

Summary of the 2012 ABA Burn Quality Consensus conference, Nicole S. Gibran, Shelley Wiechman, Walter Meyer, Linda Edelman, Jim Fauerbach, Linda Gibbons, Radha Holavanahalli, Carly Hunt, Kelly Keller, Elizabeth Kirk, Jacqueline Laird, Giavonni Lewis, Sidonie Moses, Jill Sproul, Gretta Wilkinson, Steve Wolf, Alan Young, Sandra Yovino, Michael J. Mosier, Leopoldo C. Cancio, Hamed Amani, Carolyn Blayney, Judith Cullinane, Linwood Haith, James C. Jeng, Patricia Kardos, George Kramer, Mary Beth Lawless, Maria L. Serio-Melvin, Sidney Miller, Katie Moran, and Rachel Novakovic

Summary of the 2012 ABA Burn Quality Consensus conference, Nicole S. Gibran, Shelley Wiechman, Walter Meyer, Linda Edelman, Jim Fauerbach, Linda Gibbons, Radha Holavanahalli, Carly Hunt, Kelly Keller, Elizabeth Kirk, Jacqueline Laird, Giavonni Lewis, Sidonie Moses, Jill Sproul, Gretta Wilkinson, Steve Wolf, Alan Young, Sandra Yovino, Michael J. Mosier, Leopoldo C. Cancio, Hamed Amani, Carolyn Blayney, Judith Cullinane, Linwood Haith, James C. Jeng, Patricia Kardos, George Kramer, Mary Beth Lawless, Maria L. Serio-Melvin, Sidney Miller, Katie Moran, and Rachel Novakovic

Use of continuous local anesthetic infusion in the management of postoperative split-thickness skin graft donor site pain, Jorge L. Hernandez, Alisa Savetamal, Roselle E. Crombie, Walter Cholewczynski, Nabil Atweh, Paul Possenti, and John T. Schulz

Arterial line or cuff BP?, Daniel Horowitz, Yaw Amoateng-Adjepong, Stuart Zarich, Allan Garland, and Constantine A. Manthous


Endogenous Cushing’s Syndrome with Precocious Puberty in an 8‐Year‐Old Boy due to a Large Unilateral Adrenal Adenoma, Huhammad Rajib Hossain, M M. Alam, Junaid Nabi, and Mahzabin Kibria

Serial evaluation of microcirculatory dysfunction in patients with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy by myocardial contrast echocardiography, Mohit Jain, Shrikanth Upadaya, and Stuart W. Zarich

Serial evaluation of microcirculatory dysfunction in patients with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy by myocardial contrast echocardiography, Mohit Jain, Shrikanth Upadaya, and Stuart W. Zarich

Life-threatening hyperkalemia: a potentially lethal drug combination, Tristan Juvet, Venkata C. Gourineni, Sandeep Ravi, and Stuart W. Zarich

Pharmacotherapy for preeclampsia in low and middle income countries: an analysis of essential medicines lists, Shifana Lalani, Tabassum Firoz, Laura A. Magee, Diane Sawchuck, Beth Payne, Rebecca Gordon, Marianne Vidler, and Peter von Dadelszen

Molecular phenotypes in triple negative breast cancer from African American patients suggest targets for therapy, Robert Lindner, Catherine Sullivan, Onyinye Offor, Kimberly Lezon-Geyda, Kyle Halligan, Neal Fischbach, Mansi Shah, Veerle Bossuyt, Vincent Schulz, David P. Tuck, and Lyndsay N. Harris

Investigational anti-hyperglycemic agents: the future of type 2 diabetes therapy?, Sachin K. Majumdar and Silvio E. Inzucchi

Aortoatrial fistula, Edosa Odaro, Mohit Jain, Matt Horne, Alison Van Dyke, A Brian West, Constantine A. Manthous, and Stuart Zarich

Aortoatrial fistula, Edosa Odaro, Mohit Jain, Matt Horne, Alison Van Dyke, A Brian West, Constantine A. Manthous, and Stuart Zarich

When the ICU is the operating room, Greta L. Piper, Linda L. Maerz, Kevin M. Schuster, Adrian A. Maung, Gina M. Luckianow, Kimberly A. Davis, and Lewis J. Kaplan

Diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in the presence of left anterior fascicular block: a reexamination of the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS guidelines, Sandeep Ravi, Vladimir Rukshin, Gilead Lancaster, Stuart Zarich, and Craig McPherson

Hereditary persistence of alpha-fetoprotein: a rare cause for unexplained alpha-fetoprotein elevations in pregnancy, Kara Rood and Robert Stiller


Same-Day Discharge of Transradial Elective Coronary Intervention, Diane Rydzy RN and Stuart Zarich


Same-Day Discharge of Transradial Elective Coronary Intervention, Diane Rydzy RN and Stuart Zarich

Repositioning endotracheal tubes in the intensive care unit: depth changes poorly correlate with postrepositioning radiographic location, Ming-Li Wang, Kevin M. Schuster, Bishwajit Bhattacharya, Adrian A. Maung, Lewis J. Kaplan, and Kimberly A. Davis

Submissions from 2012

Cardiac performance is impaired in morbidly obese pregnant females, Arif Abdullah, Sheikh Hoq, Ronika Choudhary, Steven Laifer, and Stuart Zarich

Pleural epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, Aditya Bansal, Mohit Chawla, Paul J. Cohen, and Jeff S. Kwon

Celiac artery stenting to facilitate hepatic yttrium-90 radioembolization therapy, Murthy R. Chamarthy, Terence W. Hughes, Mohit Gupta, Josephina A. Vossen, Noel B. Velasco, and Kenneth M. Zinn

Positive pressure for obesity hypoventilation syndrome, Arijit Chanda, Jeff S. Kwon, Armand John Wolff, and Constantine A. Manthous

The ventriculophasic response revisited: analysis of clinical correlations using a new proposed definition derived in pacemaker patients, Razvan T. Dadu and Craig A. McPherson

Acute myocardial infarction in the obstetric patient, Tabassum Firoz and Laura A. Magee

The PIERS experience: research or quality improvement?, Tabassum Firoz and Laura A. Magee