Submissions from 2018
Clinical and Neuroimaging Findings in Thalamic Territory Infarctions: A Review, Shuo Li, Yogesh Kumar, Nishant Gupta, Ahmed Abdelbaki, Harpreet Sahwney, Anil Kumar, Manisha Mangla, and Rajiv Mangla
Cocaine abuse: Longitudinal MR imaging of lasting diffused leukoencephalopathy, Shuo Li, Roni Manyevitch, Kaltrina Sedaliu, Ahmed Abdelbaki, Nishant Gupta, Anil Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, and Mark Rosovsky
Dedifferentiated parosteal osteosarcoma of the calvaria, Rajiv Mangla, Manisha Mangla, Shuo Li, Ahmed Abdelbaki, Itisha Bansal, Anil Kumar, and Yogesh Kumar
When should screening of pediatric trauma patients for adult behaviors start?, Adrian A. Maung, Robert D. Becher, Kevin M. Schuster, and Kimberly A. Davis
Facial and limb angioedema with parotitis and Kikuchi-like necrotizing lymphadenitis preceding neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus in a young African American male, D Michailidou, M Kribis, R Kataria, K Sedaliu, and M Dumitrescu
Reverse innovation in maternal health, Kara A. Nerenberg, Kelly B. Zarnke, Alexander A. Leung, Kaberi Dasgupta, Sonia Butalia, Kerry McBrien, Kevin C. Harris, and Meranda Nakhla
New onset squamous cell carcinoma in previous split-thickness skin graft donor site, Vincent J. Noori, Kanika Trehan, Alisa Savetamal, and Damien W. Carter
Know the name: acute epiploic appendagitis-CT findings and review of literature, Hina Patel, Ahmed Abdelbaki, Peter Steenbergen, Charu Chanana, and Shuo Li
Impact of Cardiovascular Risk on the Relative Benefit and Harm of Intensive Treatment of Hypertension, Robert A. Phillips, Jiaqiong Xu, Leif E. Peterson, Ryan M. Arnold, Joseph A. Diamond, and Adam E. Schussheim
Beyond genomics: understanding exposotypes through metabolomics, Nicholas J. Rattray, Nicole C. Deziel, Joshua D. Wallach, Sajid A. Khan, Vasilis Vasiliou, John P. Ioannidis, and Caroline H. Johnson
Use of a Gastroschisis Feeding Guideline to Improve Standardization of Care and Patient Outcomes at an Urban Children's Hospital., Passaro RC, Savoie KB, and Huang EY
Is hyponatremia associated with mortality in pulmonary arterial hypertension?, Anastasiia A. Rudkovskaia, Adriano R. Tonelli, Youlan Rao, Jeffrey P. Hammel, Gregory K. Buller, Raed A. Dweik, and Wassim H. Fares
Impact of Reducing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Turnover Time, Diane Rydzy RN, Victor Mejia, and Umer M. Darr
Can acute care surgeons perform while fatigued? An EAST multicenter study, Kevin M. Schuster, Joshua P. Hazelton, Deviney Rattigan, Linh Nguyen, Dennis Kim, Lara H. Spence, David Turay, Xian Luo-Owen, Javier Martin Perez, Saraswati Dayal, Melissa Blatt, Casey Hill, and Bishwajit Bhattacharya
A randomized, triple-blind trial of cardiac shock-wave therapy on exercise tolerance and symptoms in patients with stable angina pectoris, Evgeny Shkolnik, Greta Burneikaite, Gabrielius Jakutis, Mikhail Scherbak, Gitana Zuoziene, Birute Petrauskiene, Ekaterina Trush, Yury Vasyuk, Aleksandras Laucevicius, and Jelena Celutkiene
Bullous disorders associated with anti-PD-1 and anti-PD-L1 therapy: A retrospective analysis evaluating the clinical and histopathologic features, frequency, and impact on cancer therapy, Jacob Siegel, Mariam Totonchy, William Damsky, Juliana Berk-Krauss, Frank Castiglione, Mario Sznol, Daniel P. Petrylak, Neal Fischbach, Sarah B. Goldberg, Roy H. Decker, Angeliki M. Stamatouli, Navid Hafez, Earl J. Glusac, Mary M. Tomayko, and Jonathan S. Leventhal
Use of a depression and sleep impairment treatment guideline to improve quality of life for patients with sickle cell disease, Sheran M. Simo
Primary Non-Response to Tumor Necrosis Factor Antagonists is Associated with Inferior Response to Second-line Biologics in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Siddharth Singh, John George, Brigid S. Boland, Niels Vande Casteele, and William J. Sandborn
Retrotracheal Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery: Congenital Anomaly or Postsurgical Complication?, Gordon G. Still, Shuo Li, Mark Wilson, Lincoln Wong, and Paul Sammut
Validation of a new American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) anatomic severity grading system for acute cholecystitis, Kenneth Vera, Kevin Y. Pei, Kevin M. Schuster, and Kimberly A. Davis
Ranolazine in High-Risk Patients With Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillators: The RAID Trial, Wojciech Zareba, James P. Daubert, Christopher A. Beck, David T. Huang, Jeffrey D. Alexis, Mary W. Brown, Kathryn Pyykkonen, Scott McNitt, David Oakes, Changyong Feng, Mehmet K. Aktas, Felix Ayala-Parades, Adrian Baranchuk, Marc Dubuc, Mark Haigney, Alexander Mazur, Craig A. McPherson, L Brent Mitchell, Andrea Natale, Jonathan P. Piccini, Merritt Raitt, Mayer Y. Rashtian, Claudio Schuger, Stephen Winters, Seth J. Worley, and Ohad Ziv
Ranolazine in High-Risk Patients With Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillators: The RAID Trial, Wojciech Zareba, James P. Daubert, Christopher A. Beck, David T. Huang, Jeffrey D. Alexis, Mary W. Brown, Kathryn Pyykkonen, Scott McNitt, David Oakes, Changyong Feng, Mehmet K. Aktas, Felix Ayala-Parades, Adrian Baranchuk, Marc Dubuc, Mark Haigney, Alexander Mazur, Craig A. McPherson, L Brent Mitchell, Andrea Natale, Jonathan P. Piccini, Merritt Raitt, Mayer Y. Rashtian, Claudio Schuger, Stephen Winters, Seth J. Worley, Ohad Ziv, and Arthur J. Moss
Ranolazine in High-Risk Patients With Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillators: The RAID Trial, Wojciech Zareba, James P. Daubert, Christopher A. Beck, David T. Huang, Jeffrey D. Alexis, Mary W. Brown, Kathryn Pyykkonen, Scott McNitt, David Oakes, Changyong Feng, Mehmet K. Aktas, Felix Ayala-Parades, Adrian Baranchuk, Marc Dubuc, Mark Haigney, Alexander Mazur, Craig A. McPherson, L Brent Mitchell, Andrea Natale, Jonathan P. Piccini, Merritt Raitt, Mayer Y. Rashtian, Claudio Schuger, Stephen Winters, Seth J. Worley, Ohad Ziv, and Arthur J. Moss
Distinctive features of gastrointestinal stromal tumors arising from the colon and rectum, Rebecca Zhu, Fangfang Liu, Gabriella Grisotti, Javier Pérez-Irizarry, Charles H. Cha, Caroline H. Johnson, Daniel J. Boffa, Dale Han, Kimberly L. Johung, Yawei Zhang, and Sajid A. Khan
Clinical impact of underutilization of adjuvant therapy in node positive gastric adenocarcinoma, Rebecca Zhu, Fangfang Liu, Gabriella Grisotti, Javier Perez-Irizarry, Ronald R. Salem, Charles H. Cha, Kimberly L. Johung, Daniel J. Boffa, Yawei Zhang, and Sajid A. Khan
Insurance Status Biases Trauma-system Utilization and Appropriate Interfacility Transfer: National and Longitudinal Results of Adult, Pediatric, and Older Adult Patients, Cheryl K. Zogg, Kevin M. Schuster, Adrian A. Maung, and Kimberly A. Davis
Submissions from 2017
Acute Calcific Tendinitis of the Longus Colli Muscle: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature, Ahmed Abdelbaki, Shady Abdelbaki, Neeraj Bhatt, Nishant Gupta, Shuo Li, Ahmadreza Ghasemiesfe, and Yogesh Kumar
Idiopathic Giant Hepatic Artery Pseudoaneurysm, Ahmed Abdelbaki, Neeraj Bhatt, Nishant Gupta, Shuo Li, Shady Abdelbaki, and Yogesh Kumar
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery updated position statement on sleeve gastrectomy as a bariatric procedure, Mohamed Ali, Maher El Chaar, Saber Ghiassi, and Ann M. Rogers
Shoulder Dystocia and Neonatal Resuscitation: An Integrated Obstetrics and Neonatology Simulation Case for Medical Students, Aimee Alphonso, Shefali Pathy, Christie Bruno, Crina Boeras, Beth Emerson, Janice Crabtree, Lindsay Johnston, Vrunda Desai, and Marc Auerbach
Balloon enteroscopy versus spiral enteroscopy for small-bowel disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Ramkaji Baniya, Sunil Upadhaya, Subash Chandra Subedi, Jahangir Khan, Prabin Sharma, Tabrez Shaik Mohammed, Ghassan Bachuwa, and Laith H. Jamil
Bilateral External Auditory Exostoses Causing Conductive Hearing Loss: A Case Report and Literature Review of the Surfer's Ear, Dennis A. Barbon, Rahul Hegde, Shuo Li, Ahmed Abdelbaki, and Divyansh Bajaj
Role of diffusion-weighted imaging in head and neck lesions: Pictorial review, Neeraj Bhatt, Nishant Gupta, Neetu Soni, Kusum Hooda, Joshua M. Sapire, and Yogesh Kumar
Cardiac shock-wave therapy in the treatment of coronary artery disease: systematic review and meta-analysis, Greta Burneikaitė, Evgeny Shkolnik, Jelena Čelutkienė, Gitana Zuozienė, Irena Butkuvienė, Birutė Petrauskienė, Pranas Šerpytis, Aleksandras Laucevičius, and Amir Lerman
Focused assessment with sonography for trauma in children after blunt abdominal trauma: A multi-institutional analysis., Calder BW, Vogel AM, Zhang J, Mauldin PD, Huang EY, Savoie KB, Santore MT, Tsao K, Ostovar-Kermani TG, Falcone RA, Dassinger MS, Recicar J, and Streck CJ
Acute procedural interventions after pediatric blunt abdominal trauma: A prospective multicenter evaluation., Arbra CA, Vogel AM, Zhang J, Mauldin PD, Huang EY, Savoie KB, Santore MT, Tsao K, Ostovar-Kermani TG, Falcone RA, Dassinger MS, Recicar J, Haynes JH, and Streck CJ
Different Sonographic Faces of Ectopic Pregnancy, Charu Chanana, Nishant Gupta, Itisha Bansal, Kusum Hooda, Pranav Sharma, Mohit Gupta, Darshan Gandhi, and Yogesh Kumar
Markers of Successful Extubation in Extremely Preterm Infants, and Morbidity After Failed Extubation, Sanjay Chawla, Girija Natarajan, Seetha Shankaran, Benjamin Carper, Luc P. Brion, Martin Keszler, Waldemar A. Carlo, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Marie G. Gantz, Abhik Das, Neil Finer, Ronald N. Goldberg, C Michael Cotten, and Rosemary D. Higgins
Identifying Children at Very Low Risk for Blunt Intra-Abdominal Injury in Whom CT of the Abdomen Can Be Avoided Safely., Streck CJ, Vogel AM, Zhang J, Huang EY, Santore MT, Tsao K, Falcone RA, Dassinger MS, Russell RT, Blakely ML, and Pediatric Surgery Research Collaborative
Confluent Extended Posterior Left Atrial Wall Ablation: Thinking Inside the Box, M Clive Robinson, Lindsey Scierka, Murali Chiravuri, Robert Winslow, Rafael Squitieri, Albert Dimeo, Richard Feinn, Joseph J. Tiano, and Craig Mcpherson
Patterns of Oxygenation, Mortality, and Growth Status in the Surfactant Positive Pressure and Oxygen Trial Cohort, Juliann M. Di Fiore, Richard J. Martin, Hong Li, Nathan Morris, Waldemar A. Carlo, Neil Finer, and Michele Walsh
Patterns of Oxygenation, Mortality, and Growth Status in the Surfactant Positive Pressure and Oxygen Trial Cohort, Juliann M. Di Fiore, Richard J. Martin, Hong Li, Nathan Morris, Waldemar A. Carlo, Neil Finer, and Michele Walsh
Morel-Lavallee Lesions-Review of Pathophysiology, Clinical Findings, Imaging Findings and Management, Sreelatha Diviti, Nishant Gupta, Kusum Hooda, Komal Sharma, and Lawrence Lo
ASMBS Position Statement on Postprandial Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia after Bariatric Surgery, Dan Eisenberg, Dan E. Azagury, Saber Ghiassi, Brandon T. Grover, and Julie J. Kim
Post-operative radiotherapy is associated with improved survival in esophageal cancer with positive surgical margins, Sarah J. Gao, Henry S. Park, Christopher D. Corso, Charles E. Rutter, Sajid A. Khan, and Kimberly L. Johung
Utilization of perioperative systemic chemotherapy in upper tract urothelial carcinoma, Greg E. Gin, Nora H. Ruel, Steven V. Kardos, John P. Sfakianos, Edward Uchio, Clayton S. Lau, and Bertram E. Yuh
A Rare Case of Stroke Secondary to Iron Deficiency Anemia in a Young Female Patient, Kavitha Gopalratnam, Kevin Andrew Woodson, Jigarkumar Rangunwala, Kanaga Sena, and Manisha Gupta
Elastofibroma dorsi, Pradeep Goyal, Darshan Gandhi, Sonali Gupta, Shuo Li, Yogesh Kumar, Thomas D. Olsavsky, and Nishant Gupta
Poland Syndrome with Ipsilateral Hypoplasia of Gluteal Muscles and Contralateral Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Pradeep Goyal, Henal Motiwala, Nishant Gupta, Sonali Gupta, Itisha Bansal, Kusum Hooda, Yogesh Kumar, and Thomas D. Olsavsky
Poland Syndrome with Ipsilateral Hypoplasia of Gluteal Muscles and Contralateral Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Pradeep Goyal, Henal Motiwala, Nishant Gupta, Sonali Gupta, Itisha Bansal, Kusum Hooda, Yogesh Kumar, and Thomas D. Olsavsky
Usefulness of radium-223 in patients with bone metastases, Nishant Gupta, Arushi Devgan, Itisha Bansal, Thomas D. Olsavsky, Shuo Li, Ahmed Abdelbaki, and Yogesh Kumar
Some Mushrooms are Hard to Digest: Gastrostomy Tube Exchange, Nishant Gupta, Pradeep Goyal, Itisha Bansal, Kusum Hooda, Yogesh Kumar, and Gregory Bearden
Modified palliative biliary stenting in situs inversus totalis patient with carcinoma gallbladder: feasibility and technical details, Nishant Gupta, Pradeep Goyal, Itisha Bansal, Shuo Li, Yogesh Kumar, and Sanjay S. Baijal
Penile fracture: role of ultrasound, Nishant Gupta, Pradeep Goyal, Komal Sharma, Itisha Bansal, Sonali Gupta, Shuo Li, Kenneth Zinn, and Yogesh Kumar
Penile fracture: role of ultrasound, Nishant Gupta, Pradeep Goyal, Komal Sharma, Itisha Bansal, Sonali Gupta, Shuo Li, Kenneth Zinn, and Yogesh Kumar
Neonatal cranial sonography: ultrasound findings in neonatal meningitis-a pictorial review, Nishant Gupta, Hemal Grover, Itisha Bansal, Kusum Hooda, Joshua M. Sapire, Rama Anand, and Yogesh Kumar
Kickboxing power hour: case report of fifth metatarsal apophysitis (Iselin disease) and its magnetic resonance imaging features, Nishant Gupta, Komal Sharma, Itisha Bansal, Yogesh Kumar, and Daichi Hayashi
Imaging in Osteoarthritis, Daichi Hayashi, Frank W. Roemer, Mohamed Jarraya, and Ali Guermazi
The Effect of Vertical Versus Horizontal Vaginal Cuff Closure on Vaginal Length After Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, Amanda Marie Hill, K Meryl Davis, Lindsay Clark-Donat, Lee Marvin Hammons, Masoud Azodi, and Dan-Arin Silasi
Meniscus morphology: Does tear type matter? A narrative review with focus on relevance for osteoarthritis research, Mohamed Jarraya, Frank W. Roemer, Martin Englund, Michel D. Crema, Heather I. Gale, Daichi Hayashi, Jeffrey N. Katz, and Ali Guermazi
EGFR Gene Amplification and KRAS Mutation Predict Response to Combination Targeted Therapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, Sajid A. Khan, Zhaoshi Zeng, Jinru Shia, and Philip B. Paty
Predictors of Nonadherence to NCCN Guideline Recommendations for the Management of Stage I Anal Canal Cancer, Adam J. Kole, John M. Stahl, Henry S. Park, Sajid A. Khan, and Kimberly L. Johung
Toxins in Brain! Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging of Toxic Leukoencephalopathy - A Pictorial Essay, Yogesh Kumar, Douglas Drumsta, Manisha Mangla, Nishant Gupta, Kusum Hooda, Jeevak Almast, and Rajiv Mangla
Magnetic resonance imaging of bacterial and tuberculous spondylodiscitis with associated complications and non-infectious spinal pathology mimicking infections: a pictorial review, Yogesh Kumar, Nishant Gupta, Avneesh Chhabra, Takeshi Fukuda, Neetu Soni, and Daichi Hayashi
Caudal Regression Syndrome: A Case Series of a Rare Congenital Anomaly, Yogesh Kumar, Nishant Gupta, Kusum Hooda, Pranav Sharma, Salil Sharma, Puneet Kochar, and Daichi Hayashi
Caudal Regression Syndrome: A Case Series of a Rare Congenital Anomaly, Yogesh Kumar, Nishant Gupta, Kusum Hooda, Pranav Sharma, Salil Sharma, Puneet Kochar, and Daichi Hayashi
Comparison between MR Perfusion and 18F-FDG PET in Differentiating Tumor Recurrence from Nonneoplastic Contrast-enhancing Tissue, Yogesh Kumar, Nishant Gupta, Manisha Mangla, Kusum Hooda, and Rajiv Mangla
Abdominal aortic aneurysm: pictorial review of common appearances and complications, Yogesh Kumar, Kusum Hooda, Shuo Li, Pradeep Goyal, Nishant Gupta, and Melkamu Adeb
Abdominal aortic aneurysm: pictorial review of common appearances and complications, Yogesh Kumar, Kusum Hooda, Shuo Li, Pradeep Goyal, Nishant Gupta, and Melkamu Adeb
Phase II Study of Modified FOLFOX6 With Bevacizumab in Metastatic Gastroesophageal Adenocarcinoma, Jia Li, Xiaopan Yao, Jeremy S. Kortmansky, Neal A. Fischbach, Stacey Stein, Yanhong Deng, Yue Zhang, Indukala Doddamane, David Karimeddini, Howard S. Hochster, and Jill Lacy
Splenic laceration after routine colonoscopy, a case report of a rare iatrogenic complication, Shuo Li, Nishant Gupta, Yogesh Kumar, and Frank Mele
Internal carotid artery agenesis: A case report and review of literature, Shuo Li, Kusum Hooda, Nishant Gupta, and Yogesh Kumar
Internal carotid artery agenesis: A case report and review of literature, Shuo Li, Kusum Hooda, Nishant Gupta, and Yogesh Kumar
Cystic adventitial disease-case series and review of literature, Shuo Li, Brian N. King, Noel Velasco, Yogesh Kumar, and Nishant Gupta
Corrigendum to "A scoping review of geographic information systems in maternal health" [Int J Gynecol Obstet 134(2016) 13-17], Prestige Tatenda Makanga, Nadine Schuurman, Charfudin Sacoor, Helena Edith Boene, Faustino Vilanculo, Marianne Vidler, Laura Magee, and Peter von Dadelszen
Seasonal variation in geographical access to maternal health services in regions of southern Mozambique, Prestige Tatenda Makanga, Nadine Schuurman, Charfudin Sacoor, Helena Edith Boene, Faustino Vilanculo, Marianne Vidler, Laura Magee, and Peter von Dadelszen
Cervical spine MRI in patients with negative CT: A prospective, multicenter study of the Research Consortium of New England Centers for Trauma (ReCONECT), Adrian A. Maung, Dirk C. Johnson, Kimberly Barre, Thomas Peponis, and Tomaz Mesar
Trauma morning report is the ideal environment to teach and evaluate resident communication and sign-outs in the 80 hour work week, Mary E. Ottinger, Sean F. Monaghan, Shea C. Gregg, Andrew H. Stephen, Michael D. Connolly, David T. Harrington, Charles A. Adams, William G. Cioffi, and Daithi S. Heffernan
The DNA Methylcytosine Dioxygenase Tet2 Sustains Immunosuppressive Function of Tumor-Infiltrating Myeloid Cells to Promote Melanoma Progression, Wen Pan, Shu Zhu, Kun Qu, Katrina Meeth, Jijun Cheng, Kaixin He, Hongdi Ma, Yan Liao, Xizhi Wen, Christine Roden, Zuzana Tobiasova, Zheng Wei, Jun Zhao, Jun Liu, Ji Zheng, Bo Guo, Sajid A. Khan, Marcus Bosenberg, Richard A. Flavell, and Jun Lu
A highly sensitive and specific combined clinical and sonographic score to diagnose appendicitis, Swathi B. Reddy, Michael Kelleher, S A. Bokhari, Kimberly A. Davis, and Kevin M. Schuster
A Cross-sectional Study on Evidence-Based Nursing Practice in the Contemporary Hospital Setting: Implications for Nurses in Professional Development, Leonie Rose Bovino, Anne M. Aquila, Susan Bartos, Tina McCurry, C Elizabeth Cunningham, Todd Lane, Nicole Rogucki, Jamie DosSantos, Danielle Moody, Karen Mealia-Ospina, Jancee Pust-Marcone, and Jonathan Quiles
Health Disparities in the Appropriate Management of Cryptorchidism, Kate B. Savoie, Marielena Bachier-Rodriguez, Elleson Schurtz, Elizabeth A. Tolley, Dana Giel, and Alexander Feliz
The utility of presacral drainage in penetrating rectal injuries in adult and pediatric patients, Kate B. Savoie, Thomas M. Beazley, Brent Cleveland, Sina Khaneki, Troy A. Markel, Peter M. Hammer, Stephanie Savage, and Regan F. Williams
Sclerosing mesenteritis: a systematic review of 192 cases, Prabin Sharma, Siddhartha Yadav, Christine Marie Needham, and Paul Feuerstadt
A case of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation: role of interventional radiology in diagnosis and treatment, Pranav Sharma, Puneet Kochar, Salil Sharma, Nishant Gupta, Shuo Li, Kusum Hooda, and Yogesh Kumar
A case of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation: role of interventional radiology in diagnosis and treatment, Pranav Sharma, Puneet Kochar, Salil Sharma, Nishant Gupta, Shuo Li, Kusum Hooda, and Yogesh Kumar
The authors reply, Graciela J. Soto, Daryl J. Kor, Pauline K. Park, Peter C. Hou, David A. Kaufman, Mimi Kim, Hemang Yadav, Nicholas Teman, Michael Hsu, and Tatyana Shvilkina
A novel hybrid left renal vein transposition and endovascular stenting technique for the treatment of posterior nutcracker syndrome, Kristin Stawiarski, Matthew Wosnitzer, and Young Erben
Is Pre-Hospital CPR a Risk Factor for Early Death in Patients Transferred to an Adult Burn Center?, Kanika Trehan, Stacey Rotta, Shea C. Gregg, Kristen Glasgow, Roselle E. Crombie, Walter M. Cholewczynski, Nabil Atweh, and Alisa Savetamal
The capacity of ICD-10-CM/PCS to characterize surgical care, Garth H. Utter, Kevin M. Schuster, Preston R. Miller, Nathan T. Mowery, Suresh K. Agarwal, Robert J. Winchell, and Marie L. Crandall
The Role of Early Focused Cardiac Ultrasound in a Not-So-Typical Presentation of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report, Jithin G. Varghese, Qurat-Ul-Ain Jelani, Stuart Zarich, and Brooks Walsh
Impact of preoperative wait time due to insurance-mandated medically supervised diets on weight loss after sleeve gastrectomy. Are patients losing momentum?, Lee D. Ying, Andrew J. Duffy, Kurt E. Roberts, Saber Ghiassi, Matthew O. Hubbard, and Geoffrey S. Nadzam
Submissions from 2016
Kirner's deformity of the fifth finger: a case report, Melkamu Adeb, Daichi Hayashi, and Yogesh Kumar
Health disparities in infants with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis., Feliz A, Holub JL, Azarakhsh N, Bachier-Rodriguez M, and Savoie KB
Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Identifies a Subset of Crizotinib-Responsive ALK-Rearranged Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Not Detected by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Siraj M. Ali, Thomas Hensing, Alexa B. Schrock, Justin Allen, Eric Sanford, Kyle Gowen, Atul Kulkarni, Jie He, James H. Suh, Doron Lipson, Julia A. Elvin, Roman Yelensky, Zachary Chalmers, Juliann Chmielecki, Nir Peled, Samuel J. Klempner, Kashif Firozvi, Garrett M. Frampton, Julian R. Molina, Smitha Menon, Julie R. Brahmer, Heber MacMahon, Jan Nowak, Sai-Hong Ignatius Ou, Marjorie Zauderer, Marc Ladanyi, Maureen Zakowski, Neil Fischbach, Jeffrey S. Ross, Phil J. Stephens, Vincent A. Miller, and Heather Wakelee
Outcomes of acute care surgical cases performed at night, Michael K. Dalton, Elizabeth McDonald, Pulkesh Bhatia, Kimberly A. Davis, and Kevin M. Schuster
Choice of Imaging Studies in Acutely Ill Pregnant Women, Tabassum Firoz, Margaret A. Miller, and Ghada Bourjeily
Community perspectives on the determinants of maternal health in rural southern Mozambique: a qualitative study, Tabassum Firoz, Marianne Vidler, Prestige Tatenda Makanga, Helena Boene, Rogério Chiaú, Esperança Sevene, Laura A. Magee, and Peter von Dadelszen
Less Is More in the ICU: Resuscitation, Oxygenation and Routine Tests, Kavitha Gopalratnam, Inga C. Forde, Jaclyn V. O'Connor, and David A. Kaufman